Good Reasons to Come to the Evening Service

1. It’s not the same as the morning service. We study a different book in the evening service (II Tim.3:16-17).

2. The service is a bit less formal with more singing praises to God (Col.3:16).

3. The evening service often includes personal testimonies. It is good to hear what God is doing in the lives of others in the assembly. You get to know folks a little better that way. It is also good for you to be able to testify before the Body what God is doing in your life!

4. It is another opportunity to grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ (II Pet. 3:18).

5. We have the Lord’s Table at night (I Cor. 11:26).

6. Once a month, after the communion service, we have a time of fellowship and social interaction which helps knit the hearts of the saints together in love (Col. 2:1-2).

7. Worship services are for the whole family – for fathers, mothers, and the young ones (Deut.31:12; Ezra 10:1).

8. It is excellent training for little children. It is good for them to see their parents faithfully attending the evening service. It becomes the norm for them. They are more likely to attend on their own when they are older (Prov.22:6).

9. It is a choice that can become a habit (a good habit) – and that habit becomes easier over time. Yes, it involves personal sacrifice, but cost is involved in the entire Christian life. The benefit is worth whatever sacrifice is involved (Phil.2:17; Phil. 3:7-8; II Sam; 24:24). As difficult as it might be for some to make it out to church, it is still easier than it was for the Pilgrims and Puritans in years gone by!

10. By not coming, you are voting to end the evening service for the next generation. Unfortunately, this is happening in churches all over the country. Evening services are being cancelled because a lack of interest. This is not a reflection of a healthy, spiritually minded Body.

11. The evening service doubles the opportunity for meeting new people at church and for fellowship with them (Rom.12:10).

12. The evening service doubles the opportunity to minister one to another in the assembly (I Pet. 4:10).

13. If you find reasons for not coming when you are in the prime of life, you will have MANY more reasons not to come later on in life.

14. Examine your reasons for not coming… and be sure that your reasons are not really just excuses.

15. Faithful witnesses have set the example before us. We have had folks faithfully attend the evening service who were blind, in wheel chairs, dealing with debilitating diseases, others who were on chemo therapy, the very elderly, large families with many kids, busy business owners, etc. If they can, we can! Where there’s a will, there’s a way (Psalm 42:1-4; Heb.12:1-3).

16. We have all known folks who, later in life, have regretted spotty attendance at the local church. We have never met anyone who regretted faithfully attending evening services.

17. It is a great encouragement for the whole congregation to see many come together for worship at night.

18. All of our actions and motives will all be examined by the Judge at the Bema. Now is the time to prepare for that day (Rom. 14:10; I Cor. 4:5).

Please do not get the wrong idea. Attending the evening service is not law. It is not a requirement. It is not a command. Attending both services will not make you spiritual. It does not mean that you are a second class citizen if you don’t attend at night. This is a personal matter between you and the Lord. This is NOT something we should judge in others, but only in our own hearts (Rom. 14:10; Matt. 7:1-5). There are some folks who have very good reasons for not coming out at night. However, not all reasons are good reasons. We are simply asking each individual to examine your own heart and take this matter before the Lord in sincere prayer. Be led of the Spirit (Rom.8:14). We believe that (in most cases but certainly not all), the Spirit leads God’s people to assemble together for worship at the regular worship hours of their local church. Redeem the time (Eph. 5:16).