Proverbs 12:6

The Words of the Wicked and the Mouth of the Upright

6a The words of the wicked are to lie in wait for blood. (an ambush)


a. This speaks of planning evil and destruction for another person.

b. Evil men often plan to harm others… to bring ruin to them…

c. Gangs of wicked youths gather together to plan robberies… rapes… muggings… and other ways to harm people.

d. Drug addicts sit around in dingy cellars and discuss how to break into homes, drug stores, and banks—and yes, kill if necessary.

e. Political leaders in rogue states sit around gilded palaces making plans to invade their neighbor’s land… and kill and plunder to overthrow it.

f. Terrorist cell groups meet secretly to discuss ways to destroy America and Israel.

g. Some ethnic groups holding on to political power sit around conference tables and discuss how to ethnically cleanse the region of those they hate.

h. Guerilla groups meet in a secluded jungle discussing how they can take over the villages on the other side of the mountains…

i. What might appear to be perfectly average suburbanite, might be sitting in someone’s living room, talking to some street thug plotting to have his wife killed.

j. There is no new thing under the sun. The same evil scenarios that existed in Solomon’s day exist in our day.

2. We may not like to think of it too often, but the words of the wicked DO lie in wait for opportunities to shed blood.

a. This is just a fact of life: wicked men talk of wicked things.

b. Evil men use language—words—a gift from God—in the most perverse and violent ways… to shed innocent blood.

c. Long before the crime, the invasion, the attack, the rape, the robbery, or the mugging ever took place… wicked men sat around somewhere planning it… discussing it… discussing the best way to carry out their evil deeds.

d. Solomon is speaking here of crimes which were premeditated.

e. And before they even got together to plot and plan, someone sat around THINKING it out… running it through his mind… mulling it over in the counsels of his depraved heart. (Prov. 12:5, 20a)

f. Evil and crime doesn’t just pop out of nowhere. Wicked men THINK wicked thoughts… and DISCUSS wicked plans… and then carry them out.

g. Their thoughts and their discussions are designed “for blood”… the harm and destruction of others… and usually to the benefit of the criminal in some devious way.

3. It is unlikely that any of us ever hear first hand of such evil plots to kill.
a. However, we MAY become privy to OTHER forms of wicked words.

b. We might hear of others gossiping about a person…

c. We might hear of some employees that are planning to steal some of the company’s property.

d. We might hear damaging words of slander against a brother.

e. We might hear of plans to cause trouble in the local church.

f. Some of you young people might hear conversations at school of kids who are planning to break the rules… or to hurt someone in the class… or to steal… or to buy drugs… or get in some other kind of trouble.

g. All of this is destructive behavior too…

h. The principle is the same. Wicked people use words to plan and plot their wicked devises.

i. Wicked people often try to HURT others.

j. And there might be an occasion when WE get wind of it… when WE hear of their plans to bring destruction, harm, or trouble of some sort.

6b But the mouth of the upright shall deliver them.

The Mouth of the Upright: DELIVERANCE

1. On the other hand, Solomon speaks about what how the upright or the godly use their mouths and words which proceed from their mouths.

2. The wicked use words to DESTROY others. The upright use words to DELIVER others.

3. THEM: to whom does the “them” refer?

a. Some understand it to mean that the upright use words to deliver themselves.

b. It seems best to understand the “them” as a reference to the same people who are being plotted against in the first part of the verse.

c. We’ll put a name on “them”. We’ll call this person TOM.
• While the wicked are plotting to shed Tom’s blood…
• The upright speak up to deliver him!

4. The upright speak up for those who are oppressed… for those who are being plotted against… for those who may be unable to speak up for themselves.

a. Righteous men speak up for those who can’t speak for themselves… for those who may be ignorant… or have no voice or say…

b. Prov. 31:8-9 – Open your mouth and speak up for the dumb (those who cannot speak… who would not be listened to… for those who are appointed to destruction.

c. Example: Acts 23:12-24 – Paul’s nephew heard of a wicked plot to kill Paul, and he spoke up… which led to Paul’s deliverance.

d. James 4:17 – he that KNOWS to do right… (by speaking up) and does nothing about it, to him it is sin.
• There is a responsibility that comes with knowledge.
• Ex. 23:4-5 – if you see or know about something is wrong, and you have the ability to correct it, then we are responsible to correct it!

5. Applications:

a. Whistleblowers… if you work for a company and know of theft, or criminal activity, it is our responsibility to speak up for that which is right!
• We are to use our mouths to deliver.
• If a person at work is being blamed for something he didn’t do, and is going to be fired for it, and you know who really did it, you have a responsibility to speak up!
• The wicked use their words to cause trouble. We should use our mouths to deliver those folks unjustly accused.

b. School… if there are kids at school who are planning illegal activity (stealing; drugs; violence, etc.) you have a responsibility to report it to an adult!
• I wonder if any of the kids at Columbine knew about the murderous plot and were afraid to speak up! Imagine how awful they would feel afterwards!
• If you know that your friend at school bought some drugs, and you say nothing about it… imagine how awful you would feel if they overdosed and died?! And just a few words to the right people could have prevented it.
• I wouldn’t want that on my conscience!
• We’re not talking about being a snitch for every tiny infraction. We are talking about serious issues… grave matters that might affect someone’s health or life…

c. Local Church… if you know of someone spreading gossip… or false doctrine, you have a responsibility to let the leaders know about it… before many are hurt.
• Leaven can spread rapidly.
• The sooner such activity is dealt with in the local church, the better.
• If you know that someone’s reputation is being dragged through the mud, and you have information that could deliver that person, then you are responsible to help!

d. In our country: if we hear of a crime being planned, then by all means, report it to the authorities!
• This is part of our responsibility as a citizen… to promote the welfare of the state… and safety of its people.
• Our government is urging us to be eyes and ears to report all suspicious activity that might be related to terrorism!
• Consider Prov. 31:8-9 – in light of abortion. As believers, we have a responsibility to “speak up” for those slated for destruction… for those unable to speak up for themselves. And we can SPEAK on this issue on Election Day!
• There are a lot of issues we as believers can and should speak out on… on Election Day!

e. Prov. 24:11-12 – if we forbear to do what is right… and pretend we didn’t know, rest assured, God knows our heart!
• God will hold us accountable.
• We could have and should have delivered someone from injustice… and we sat quietly by and said nothing. Shame on us!
• Sometimes just one simple word can save a man’s life… or a man’s reputation… his career… because someone had guts enough to stand up and speak up for that which was right.
• You be that kind of person!