Proverbs 26:26

Hatred Covered by Deceit

1. In this proverb, Solomon continues speaking about hypocrisy.

2. In the previous verses, Solomon spoke about (1) vs. 23 – the illustration of hypocrisy [a cheap piece of pottery with a thin veneer of glaze] (2) vs. 23-24 – the lips of a hypocrite; (3) vs. 25 the heart of a hypocrite.

3. In verse 26, Solomon speaks about the ultimate exposure of the sin of the hypocrite.

26a Whose hatred is covered by deceit

Hatred Covered by Deceit

1. In this proverb, Solomon continues the same theme of hypocrisy.

a. In this verse, he describes hypocrisy as hatred covered up by deceit.

b. This is the classic example of hypocrisy: that which is really going on on the inside has no relationship to what is portrayed on the outside.

c. The hypocrite is a master of disguise. He is a master at hiding his true feelings. He is a master of putting on a good front.

2. What’s on the inside: Hatred

a. Hatred defined:
• Malice; a very strong dislike with accompanying feelings of hostility and actions of opposition.
• Theological Workbook of the Old Testament: Hatred is an “emotional attitude toward persons and things which are opposed, detested, despised and with which one wishes to have no contact or relationship. It is therefore the opposite of love. Whereas love draws and unites, hate separates and keeps distant. The hated and hating persons are considered foes or enemies and are considered odious, utterly unappealing.”

3. Usage:

a. Hatred towards God:
• Ex. 20:5 – This passage speaks of a man’s hatred towards God—expressed in bowing to an idol—in outward defiance of the Lord.
• Giving your love, affection, and devotion to another is called “hating” God.
• That is easily covered up with a religious front… a religious veneer…

b. Hatred manifested in outward violence:
• Num. 35:20 – Thrusting someone through out of hatred. (Intentional, premeditated murder out of hatred, as opposed to manslaughter by accident – no hatred.)
• Hatred can lead to murder… but doesn’t always manifest itself overtly.
• Jesus said hating your brother without a cause is the same kind of sin as murder.
• That kind of hatred can be easily covered up.

c. Hatred does not always lead to violence.
• Prov. 10:18 – hiding hatred with lying lips
• Ps. 103:9 = Words of hatred—Hatred is not always overt. It can be disguised and covered up.

d. Hatred manifested in the home:
• Prov. 13:24 – sparing the rod = hating one’s son.
» That kind of hatred is easily covered up with emotion, hugs, tears, a phony love that is unwilling to do what is best for the child.
» That is a veneer covering up what God refers to as hating one’s son.
• Prov. 15:17 – Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith.
» Hatred can be manifested in the home too. This proverb implies that money and material things is at the root of the hatred.
» People fight over money—husbands and wives fight over money.
» Solomon’s point here is that it is better not to have any money and to learn to be content in poverty rather than to have abundance when it is accompanied by hatred… bickering… fighting… and no love or peace.
» A love for money and things is a very poor substitute for a love for one another.

4. Nevertheless, hatred is often covered over by deceit.

a. Cover defined:
• A cloak; a garment. The purpose of clothing was to cover up. Hence, the words for clothing and “cover up” are the same.
• Clothing was a covering because people often hid things in their clothing—like a thief who takes items off the shelf in a store and stuffs it under his coat.
• It comes to mean a cover; something concealed; to hide something.

b. I Pet. 2:16 – “not using your liberty for a cloak of maliciousness.” As clothing (cloak was used to cover up the body, so the hypocrite uses a twisted concept of liberty to cover up what is really going on in his heart: sinful maliciousness.

c. Deceit defined: Guile; deception; misleading; causing someone to believe something that is not true or accurate.

d. Solomon does a masterful job at defining hypocrisy as covering up that which is in our heart through intentional deceit: purposely misleading others.

e. Here the hypocrite is hiding hatred, malice, and wickedness in his heart.

f. In verse 25 we are told not to believe the hypocrite’s words because they are but a cover for the seven abominations in his heart.

5. In this part of the proverb, Solomon highlights a unique skill that we sinners have developed and mastered: the art of deception and hypocrisy.

a. The most vile heart attitudes can be covered up with a thin veneer, like a thin glaze over a cheap piece of cracked pottery.

b. Seven abominations can be completely covered from sight… and even made to look good with a smiley face.

c. Hatred can be covered up so well that it comes across as friendly, affectionate, and loving.

d. If the hypocrite is good at his trade, he can hide things so well, that no one would ever know—no one would ever suspect that he is actually covering up hatred.

e. Last time we noted that Solomon WARNS us that such people exist. We are also reminded that only the Lord can know their heart. We can judge by outward appearances only… and outward appearances are often deceptive.

26b His wickedness shall be shewed before the whole congregation.

1. Solomon now states that, although we are not able to know anyone’s heart, and although some men and women have become masters of hiding what’s in their heart, we are now told that eventually, the wickedness in their heart will be SHEWED.

a. Shewed: Uncovered; laid bare; revealed; disclosed; published; made known.

b. Eventually his cover will be blown. Eventually his hypocrisy will be exposed. Eventually he will slip up in an unguarded moment and his true feelings will be revealed—overtly.

c. Hatred has a way of boiling up and over. It is hard to contain forever.

2. “Before the whole congregation.”

a. This speaks of a PUBLIC exposure of the hypocrite.

b. Eventually righteousness will prevail.

c. People eventually begin to see through his lies, deception, and see this man for the hypocrite that he is.

d. In other words, a hypocrite may have mastered the art of deception, and he may be able fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time—yet he will not be able to fool all the people all the time.

e. Eventually he will be exposed… revealed. His cover will be blown.

f. When there are seven abominations in the heart… and seething hatred, it will eventually boil over.

3. Prov. 28:13 – He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.

a. Covering up the sin of hatred in our heart will get you nowhere.

b. You cannot cover it up forever.

c. The right thing to do is to examine our own hearts and expose sin found there for what it is… confess it as sin… and deal with it: forsake it!

d. Be honest, and transparent with God. There is no deceiving God even for a moment.

e. Heb. 4:13 – “Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.”