Proverbs 30:6

Add Not Thou unto His Words

1. So far in this chapter, we have the words of Agur, who described himself in humble terms, as one who (on his own) had no special knowledge of God. He then listed several rhetorical questions which indicate that God is above us. He can only be known by supernatural revelation.

2. And He has revealed Himself in His Word… and His word is pure—tried, tested, and true. It can be relied upon.

3. And all those who trust in the God of the Word are safe—as one protected by a shield.

4. Agur continues the thought of God’s Word in verse six.

6a Add thou not unto his words

1. The first command Agur gives is “add not thou unto His Words.”

a. It should go without saying, but evidently God knows that it needs to be said. God knows human nature.

b. Adding unto God’s Word was part of the original temptation in the Garden of Eden. Satan added to what God said.
• God said: “But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it.” (Gen.2:17)
• Satan said: “Ye shall not eat of it neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.” (Gen.3:3)
• Gen. 3:5 – Clearly Satan’s purpose was to confuse Eve into adding to God’s Word and to cause her to think ill of God. (He’s too restrictive! He doesn’t want me to know good and evil; He doesn’t want me to become a god like Him.”

c. Satan’s ministers (false teachers) have been adding to and subtracting from God’s Word ever since.

d. The Jews added the Talmud – doctrines and commandments of men!

e. Then there are the pseudo-gospels added to the New Testament.

f. The Mormons added the Book of Mormon and the Pearl of Great Price.

g. The Catholics added the 15 books of the Apocrypha to the Scriptures between the Testaments.

h. The 7th Day Adventists have added the writings of Ellen White.

i. The cults love to add to God’s Word.

j. Even the charismatics today add to God’s Word by asserting that God is still revealing truth to modern-day prophets.

2. This command does not forbid any future GENUINE revelation from God.

a. At the time of the writing of Proverbs, the canon of Scripture was not yet complete.

b. There were more books to be added.

c. There were many more prophets and prophetesses who would receive additional revelation from the Lord.

d. There was a whole New Testament to be written.

e. The command is for the readers not to add to the revelation God has already given.

f. In other words, no one was to add to the writings of Moses or to David’s Psalms. They were part of the Word of God and were not to be altered.

g. But in the future, God would reveal new truth to other prophets and apostles as part of the progress of revelation.

h. But once God’s Word is recorded—it is pure – perfect—and it is not to be tampered with.

i. Man’s responsibility is not to fix God’s word or to try to improve it. Our job is to teach it as is and to obey it!

3. This command has been repeated in Old and New Testaments.

a. Deut. 4:2 – “Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.”

b. Deut. 12:32 – “What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it.”

c. Rev. 22:18-19 – “For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 19And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.”

4. Agur just stated that every word of God is PURE. (vs. 5)

a. Pure means that every word of God is flawless – free from anything that defiles. His Word is perfect.

b. When you take something that is absolutely perfect and make any change whatsoever (add or subtract) you have not improved it; you have corrupted it. It would be like me taking a paint brush and trying to improve the Mona Lisa.

c. You can’t improve on perfection.

d. His point in this section is that while he himself has no knowledge of God, there IS revelation from God in His Word. That Word is pure and flawless. Therefore, don’t tinker with it!

e. It demands acceptance as/is… without any meddling or alterations.

5. Today the danger is manifold:

a. We tend to add our own opinions and speculations and treat them as gospel truth. This has always been the tendency in fallen man.

b. We tend to alter the Word to fit modern science. (Theistic evolution)

c. The Word is altered and adjusted to fit with modern culture. (Gender neutral Bible; Queen James Bible; cultural adaptations—changing Paul’s views on women; etc.)

d. Mark 7:7-13 – The Word is added to when equal authority is given to manmade traditions.
• It takes away from the absolute authority of God’s Word.
• Adding to it actually subtracts from it.

e. If we really want to know God and His ways, then we should consult His Word—not our own ideas or popular theories.

6b Lest he reprove thee

1. God reproves those who think their views are comparable to His.

a. Reprove: To argue against; lodge a legal case against; convict of a crime or offense; accuse.

2. Isa. 55:8-9 – God’s thoughts are not our thoughts. He is omniscient.

a. What total arrogance for a mere man to put his own thoughts on par with God’s Word.

b. It is a form of treason against the absolute authority of the Lord of all, the Sovereign of the universe.

c. Don’t add to the Word of the Sovereign, lest He reprove thee.

3. Ezek. 13:5-8 – God has always been AGAINST those who add to His Word. And no one should ever want God to be against them. It’s not a very even fight. Don’t expect to win.

6c And thou be found a liar.

1. Those arrogant men who dare to put their thoughts on par with God’s thoughts (by adding to His Word) are called “liars” by God Himself.

2. Those who attempt to add to God’s Word with new thoughts, new visions, new revelations, or new and fresh ideas also open the door to endless error.

3. They are guilty of forgery and counterfeiting the Word of God; they are cheaters—liars!

4. Gal. 6:7 – “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Don’t allow yourself to be deceived by liars and cheaters. God is not deceived by them; nor is He mocked. They shall one day reap what they have sown.

5. The Apocryphal books, the pseudo-gospels, and the book of Mormon, and all other such additions to God’s Word are lies written by liars. God uses strong language—but His words are pure… true.

6. Joseph Smith (Book of Mormon) and Ellen White (7th Day Adventist) are liars. And so is every charismatic today who says that God spoke to them and gave them new revelation.