
Notes on Proverbs – Chapter 1

Proverbs 1:1-4

Reasons for the Proverbs

To Know Wisdom and Instruction

1. It is quite amazing to think that the God who created the universe, would even care enough about us to stoop and cause a book to be written for us, to tell us how to live… what to pursue and what not to pursue…

2. First of all note that this book was written that we might KNOW something.

a. It was not written so that we might FEEL good… or feel warm… or feel anything.

b. It was written that we might PERCEIVE the words of understanding.

c. Solomon wrote that knowledge excelleth folly and ignorance as light excelleth darkness. Ignorance causes men to wander in darkness.

3. God wants us to KNOW wisdom

a. The term for wisdom in vs. 2 is used 37 times in this book!

b. It means skillfulness; the ability to use knowledge properly.

c. It is possible to have lots of instruction and information in our head, and yet not have the wisdom to put it into practice in our daily lives.

d. We have many brilliant men and women throughout our country who have mastered their field… specialists in computer science… specialized fields of medicine… masters of literature… and yet have not the wisdom to get along with their neighbor or maintain a healthy family life!

e. Knowledge isn’t enough. If it were, our generation would be doing just fine! Knowledge has doubled every year since 1955. We have more information and data than we know what to do with. But we do NOT have the wisdom to use it properly.

f. The world has plenty of knowledge and information—but by anyone’s standards: the world today is a mess!

g. Unfortunately, the man who wrote this book failed on this very point! Read the account of the end of Solomon’s life. What a warning to us!

4. God wants us to KNOW instruction

a. Instruction – this term is used 26 times in proverbs.

b. It is sometimes translated “chasten”. (Cf. 13:24 – chastening a son.)

c. It means to instruct by discipline.

d. Instruction or training is a form of discipline… discipline of the mind… and ultimately, when the truth sinks deeper, into the heart.

e. Like a father who loves his son, and therefore chastens him, so God wrote this book as part of our “instruction”… discipline… chastening…

5. God wants us to KNOW the words of understanding

a. This term has virtually the same meaning as our English term.

b. It might be translated “discernment.”

c. This kind of spiritual discernment is what WE need today more than anything!—the ability to approve things that are excellent—

d. God wants His people to be able to discern between right and wrong… holy and unholy… clean and unclean. The devil is doing his best to blur those lines of distinction today.

e. Let’s make this our prayer: that we would all be better able to perceive the words of understanding… grasp a discerning mind…

f. The decisions many believers make today reveals a dearth of discernment.

g. It is far better to be poor and discerning, than rich and lack discernment; It is far better to be sick and discerning, than healthy and lack discernment; It is far better to be lowly and discerning, than important and famous and lack discernment; It is far better to be a failure in the eyes of the world and discerning, than to be a worldly and lack spiritual discernment.

h. The book of Proverbs has been written to help us put things in order… to give us discernment in ordering our lives… arranging our priorities…

To Receive the Instruction of Wisdom, Justice, Judgment, and Equity

1. Receive: God wants the readers of this book to KNOW wisdom… to learn in their heads all these wise principles… but also to TAKE IT IN!

It is possible to memorize the words of wisdom—but never “receive” it inwardly.

Ex: You can give your son a lecture. Once lectured, he has your words of wisdom in his head. He heard you. But that is not a guarantee that he “received” them! He could be just politely nodding to all you say… and not taking any of it in!

2. The purpose of the book is not accomplished in our life—even if we have memorized the whole book! God’s purpose is that we would RECEIVE these truths… take them to heart… make them “yours”… make them your words to live by… not just a dry lecture from an ancient king!

3. This term for wisdom in verse 3 is a different Hebrew word than was used in verse 2.

a. Harry Ironside wrote that this term for wisdom comes from a root meaning “bereavement”…

b. He concluded that this term differed in that this term described learning from unhappy experiences… the hard way… either on your own, or through the unhappy experiences of others. (the school of hard knocks)

c. Proverbs records many unhappy experiences and the results of folly… the young man and the harlot; the drunkard; the sloth; etc…

4. How much better to learn “by means of God’s Word”!!!

a. Ps. 17:4 – “By the word of thy lips I have kept me from the paths of the destroyer.”

b. That is the best way to learn—by God’s word rather than by experiencing all that Proverbs warns about—sloth; greed; lust; etc.

c. We can gain wisdom about the dangers of drugs by trying them out and paying the price—or by listening to words of wisdom!

d. We can gain wisdom about the consequences of laziness by experience OR by taking heed to the words of wisdom in God’s Word!

e. Proverbs was written that we might RECEIVE this wisdom the easy way—by learning through God’s Word rather than having to learn the hard way all the time!

5. Unfortunately, Solomon learned many of these lessons the hard way—by experiencing the emptiness of following his own understanding…

a. He pursued many of the foolish things he warns us about in Proverbs!

b. He sought happiness through fun and parties and having a good time! (Ecc. 2:1-3)

c. He sought happiness through collecting great possessions. (Ecc.2:4,7-11) But it was all vanity!

d. Solomon pursued wisdom through experience… the hard way.

e. Proverbs is written that we might obtain wisdom the easy way—by taking heed to the inspired word of God!

f. RECEIVE this wisdom… take it in — just as if we had experienced all these things ourselves!

6. God wants the readers of Proverbs to “receive” the instruction of justice

a. Justice = righteousness; right kind of behavior; fair; just behavior

b. One learns in proverbs not to be a respecter of persons. The rich are not always right or kind. The powerful are not always wise. Treat people justly and fairly…

c. God wants us to TAKE IN these truths that deal with justice… into our heart, not just our head.

d. Make these truths that deal with justice OUR truth… words that WE live by…

e. Proverbs has a lot to say about being fair and just in our daily lives.
• Prov. 14:20 – Justice will keep us from being a respecter of persons… as such we will not treat the poor harshly…
• Prov.22.2 – the poor and rich are the same in God’s sight!
• Proverbs will keep us from all the ungodly biases and prejudices of the world. It will make us fair and just—if applied!
• 29:27 – Being “just” is a way of life = and one that will often be opposed. But that is the path God wants US to pursue!

7. Next, God wants the readers to “receive” the instruction of judgment

a. Judgment = the quality or ability to hear and decide a matter or a case fairly. This is the work of a judge. Every one of us needs to have this quality of good judgment.

b. Proverbs was written that we might learn to have good judgment. Far too many have poor judgment!

c. Proverbs has a lot to say about exercising good judgment…
• Prov. 18:17 – One with good judgment does not make up his mind on a matter after hearing “him that is first in his own cause.”
• Solomon demonstrated that when the two mothers came with their own version of who was the real mother of the child.
• Solomon showed good judgment. Proverbs can give US that kind of good judgment too… if applied.
• Jesus said, “Judge not according to appearance, but judge righteous judgment.”
• We all make decisions every day. Decisions on all sorts of issues and matters. How we need good judgment in making all those little decisions… because when you string all those little decisions together—that IS our life… that IS the course of our life.

8. Next, God wants the readers to receive the instruction of equity

a. Equity = even; upright; level; honest.

b. The author talks about a “just weight”—honesty and equity in business dealings! (Prov.11:1)

c. Honesty with our tongues… honesty with God…

Note what the author is doing here:

He is mingling together moral qualities with intellectual ones.
• Wisdom and instruction for the head;
• But they must be accompanied by justice; judgment; and equity for the heart.
• A truly wise man is a godly man.
• Wicked men can use their intellect and craftiness for evil purposes.
• But a truly wise man uses his intellect for that which is righteous; and equitable… Proverbs was written that we might KNOW wisdom and RECEIVE it… and allow it to produce its fruit in our lives: justice; good judgment; and honesty—integrity!
• Time spent in Proverbs is time well spent!
• One man likened Proverbs to medicine or vitamins. You shouldn’t make it your complete diet—but we need a little every day!

Proverbs 1:5

A Wise Man will Hear

A wise man will hear…

1. Wise = skillful, prudent, wise (ethically and religiously).
• The book of Proverbs is all about wisdom… (vs.2a)
• It teaches the simple ones and young men—knowledge and discretion. (vs.4)
• But in vs.5 he states that this book also is a book of wise instruction to the wise! (not just the simple)
• HOW does a man become wise or increase in wisdom? What is it that characterizes a wise man? (He will hear…)

2. Hear = to hear, listen to, to hear with attention or interest, obey;
• This is a close kind of hearing… attentiveness… interest…
• This is the kind of hearing that really sinks in…
• It implies more than simply hearing a sound; it implies the proper response to what is heard. (obedience)
• It might be translated “hearken”—because that is more closely associated with obedience.
• To the Hebrew mind, to hear God was to obey Him. For a parent to give a command to a child in his hearing meant that it would be obeyed.

3. It is not stated in this verse exactly WHAT he will hear… but that is implied in the context.
• All by itself, vs.5 is a valid principle—which will hold true in any number of contexts. Wise men listen wherever they are.
• In context here, the wise man will LISTEN and hearken to the proverbs found in this book!
• The author is explaining the purpose of the book of Proverbs. (vs.4)
• A wise man will pay attention to the practical truths in this book.
• Wise men will listen… fools will not. Wise men will pay close attention to what is said. Fools will not. Wise men will obey. Fools will not.
• This is a major difference between a wise man and a fool.
» The fool knows everything—or thinks he does—so he has no need to listen.
» The wise man knows that he doesn’t know everything. He realizes that he has much to learn—so he listens.
» The wise man realizes that he has not attained perfection yet, but he keeps on striving! (Phil. 3:12)

4. Pride and humility play an important part in this kind of wisdom.
• The fool, because of pride, feels himself to be superior to instruction.
• The wise man, out of humility of mind, knows that he has a lot to learn, and hence, will listen!
• I Cor. 3:18 – If a man thinks he is wise in this world (he is really a fool!) let him become a fool (humble himself—realize you don’t know everything) and thus, he will become wise!
• You cannot separate wisdom from humility… they go hand in hand. So too, pride and foolishness go hand in hand as well!
• A fool gets a little bit of knowledge, and it can produce pride.
» A believer may begin to understand some important Bible doctrines… and begin to think he’s got it all figured out…
» That pride keeps him from becoming wise!
» Once you’ve got it all figured out—who needs to learn any more? Who needs to listen?
» This kind of pride prevents a man from growing in wisdom.

5. The wise man is teachable. He does not insist on doing all the talking. He is willing to listen.
• Readiness to learn is characteristic of a truly wise person.
• Verse 5 refers to a wise person—young or old—male or female—anyone! Wisdom is characterized by the capacity to listen… and really hear what is being communicated.
• This is a priceless capacity—for the husband to be able to hear his wife… for the wife to be able to hear her husband—for the children to hear their parents!
• This is not selective hearing. This is hearing period! Listening… and understanding.
• This is not the kind of hearing that goes in one ear and out the other.

6. Hearing the proverbs… or any portion of God’s word is a moral capacity.
• It is much more than just the vibration of ear drums… it is a hearing that sinks in… It is the kind of hearing that results in us GETTING the message… the message is understood.
» However, it is possible to hear a proverb or a truth… understand it… and then reject it!
» Men do that all the time in the world.
• This kind of hearing implies the proper response… a hearing with the ears and the heart.
» He that hath ears to hear (he hears with his ears and understands with his mind) let him hear (hearken – obey).
» Hearing in the sense of hearkening is a moral issue!
» Many fools have heard these truths with their ears, but they didn’t really HEAR… hearken… respond in obedience.


And will increase learning…

1. Learning = learning, teaching, doctrine; insight; instruction…
2. A truly wise man will not be content with what he has learned thus far. He will want to ADD to his learning… increase his understanding.
• Prov. 18:15 – he seeks more and more.
• Why? Because although wise men may know a lot, they know enough to know that there is much MORE that they don’t know!
• The fool thinks he knows it all. The wise man knows he doesn’t.

3. The example of the psalmist.
• The psalmist had been given much wisdom by God. (Ps. 119:98-100)
» He was not saying, “I have arrived! I am in need of nothing!”
» He had such wisdom because he meditated all day long! (vs. 97)
» He had been given much wisdom, but he did not allow it to go to his head. That is not the point of these verses.
» He had more wisdom than the ancients—his teachers who studied philosophy or the wisdom of the ages… but they were not necessarily godly men.
» The psalmist not only heard—but he KEPT God’s precepts. That is true wisdom…

• Yet, he pleaded with God to increase his learning! (Ps. 119:12, 33-34)
» He recognized that there is so much more to learn!
» He pleads for God to teach him… to give him more understanding…
» And if he hears it—he will OBEY it! (119:34)

4. Prov. 9:9 – If you give instruction to a wise man—he will be yet wiser!
• Why? Because he is wise enough to listen… to hear… to accept the counsel!
• As a result, he gains MORE wisdom.
• Matt. 13:12 – For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath.
» Jesus was talking about faith and understanding.
» The man who HAS (faith and understanding) will end up with more and more… as a result of the parables.
» The man who rejects (faith and understanding)—will end up with less and less. His blindness becomes deeper and deeper.
• Teach a just man—a fair, honest, righteous man, and he will increase in learning.
• A wise man and a just man realize their NEED for instruction.
• The fool refuses to recognize that need. He thinks he is ABOVE instruction.
» Prov.23:9 – Speak not in the ears of a fool: for he will despise the wisdom of thy words.
» Prov. 9:8 – If you reprove (try to instruct) a scorner, he will end up hating you. He does not WANT any instruction… he feels ABOVE reproof.
» But what a contrast with the wise man. He will LOVE you for it! Even if the instruction hurts… even if the reproof was painful. He is wise enough to know that it is what he needed!

5. The example of Apollos
• Apollos was a highly respected man… admired by many.
• I Cor. 1:12 – Some said, “I am of Paul, I am of Apollos, I am of Peter, and I am of Christ.” That is quite an impressive group!
• Acts 18:24 – And a certain Jew named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man and mighty in the scriptures…
• Yet note his humility and hunger to increase in learning…
» Acts 18:24-26 – This man who was so mighty and eloquent, was humble enough to know that he did not know everything!
» He was willing to be instructed by these lowly tentmakers!
» Foolish pride would have caused him to reject any instruction from these mere tentmakers. After all—he was learned and eloquent!
» However, humble wisdom enabled him to hear and to increase in learning!
» What an example to us! We are never to high and mighty to learn… even from the most mediocre of Bible teachers! There is always something we can learn… if we are wise!

6. How about you? Are you increasing in wisdom? Are you learning more and more truth about God and His Word—or have you arrived? Do you now know more than the Sunday school teachers and the pastor? Even so—follow the godly example of Apollos!
» A little knowledge puffeth up.
» A wise man LEARNS and gains great advantage from listening.
» Prov. 13:18 – Poverty and shame shall be to him that refuseth instruction: but he that regardeth reproof shall be honored.
» Ps. 141:5 – the godly and wise man DELIGHTS in reproof and instruction: Let the righteous smite me; it shall be a kindness: and let him reprove me; it shall be an excellent oil, which shall not break my head:

Proverbs 1:5-6

To Understand a Proverb


1. Solomon is giving some reasons for the book of Proverbs—the purpose of the Proverbs.

2. They were written to give subtlety to the simple and to the young man, knowledge and discretion. (vs.4)

3. They were also written for the wise man—that he might become even wiser… IF he hears and increases learning as a result. (vs.5a)

4. They were also written that the wise man might attain wise counsels… (vs.5b)


1. Men of understanding…
• This is in contrast to the young and inexperienced mentioned in vs.4.
• Men of understanding are mature men… discerning men… men with insight… grown men… who have gathered much understanding and wisdom along life’s road.
• They are WISE men… the book of Proverbs is for you too!
• No one should ever shrug off the book of Proverbs—as if it were for kids… as if we were above the wisdom of this book… as if we had already attained to the wisdom found therein.

2. Men of understanding should HEAR what this book has to say! (vs.5a)

3. Sure, Solomon addresses his “son” at times (1:10). At times he addresses “simple ones” and the “youth”. (7:6-7)
• However, the lessons in this book are not for the simple ones exclusively!
• This book is for the wise and the men of understanding too.
• Men who are truly wise and understanding will readily acknowledge that. Fools and proud men might scoff… but not the truly wise.


1. The truly wise man—the man of understanding / discernment will attain unto wise counsels… in order to understand a proverb. (vs.6a)

• The fool thinks he is above instruction, and will pay little attention to the proverbs.
• But the wise man will do whatever he can to understand them! He will seek counsel—help in understanding them!
• Some of these Proverbs are described as “dark sayings.” In other words, while many of them are simple and straightforward, there are some that are difficult to understand.
» Prov.26:4-5 – do you answer a fool or not?
» Prov.26:13 – a lion in the street? (an excuse for not going to work!)
» Some of the Proverbs require a bit of thought and meditation!
» Proverbs 27:13 – Take his garment that is surety for a stranger, and take a pledge of him for a strange woman. WHAT???
» Proverbs 27:19 – As in water face answereth to face, so the heart of man to man. WHAT???
» Proverbs 14:4 – Where no oxen are, the crib is clean: but much increase is by the strength of the ox. WHAT???
• Some Proverbs are simple to understand on the surface, but take on a depth of meaning as we grow and mature!
» Prov. 15:27 – when you observe this in a friend or neighbor—or if you experience it—it takes a depth of meaning never before appreciated!
» Prov. 15:23 – When you are down and discouraged, and someone speaks a kind word in due season—how precious this verse becomes!
» Prov. 26:20 – When there is much strife in the home or in the local church, and this verse is applied and WORKS—how clear this principle becomes! How precious this little gem becomes!
» Prov. 27:17 – when you take counsel with a brother—and you are both able to converse and correct each other—tune each other up spiritually—how precious this passage becomes!
» Some proverbs—while understood superficially—take on a whole new depth of meaning when we actually experience them in our lives!
» There is milk in this book for babes, and there is strong meat for the mature—even in the same verse!

2. Because some of the Proverbs are not easily understood without meditation… and because some of the Proverbs have a depth of meaning that can only be fathomed through experience… a truly wise man will study this book—and seek counsel to really understand it… to fully grasp it… to plumb the depths of its meaning…and to learn how to apply these gems to ALL kinds of experiences in life.
• This book had to be written—it had to be recorded.
• God could have allowed these proverbs to be passed down from generation to generation orally… but He did not.
• They had to be written so that we could sit down and meditate upon them… discover their depth… read and reread them! And then reread them again!
• Even on a superficial level, these proverbs will give wisdom to the young and simple.
• BUT—the wise man will HEAR, increase in his learning… and he will attain unto wise counsel (seek teaching; share lessons learned; compare Scripture with Scripture) — in order that he might understand TO A GREATER DEGREE the Proverbs and the dark sayings of this book!
• In other words, a wise man will never stop learning from this book!
• Cf. Prov. 2:1-4 – wise men will realize the value of these gems of wisdom and will seek it all the more diligently! The truly wise man will keep on digging in the book of Proverbs and will never quit—because he knows that the book has an endless resource of wisdom and application for life…
• Matthew Henry: “This book will make the foolish and bad, wise and good, and it will make the wise and good, wiser and better!”
• Prov. 9:9 — Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach a just man, and he will increase in learning.



1. The truly wise man—the man who listens… the man of understanding—who is constantly increasing in learning… who is constantly attaining unto wise counsels… WILL understand this book!

2. This book’s meaning is NOT to be hidden. It is a revelation. It is to teach and reveal truth… not to conceal it.

3. The wise man will be able to understand this book. He will genuinely grasp and appreciate it… because he will be DOING what it says… and EXPERIENCING the benefits of applying this wisdom!

4. The wise man will understand the proverb and its INTERPRETATION.
• Interpretation: satire, mocking poem, mocking song, taunting, figure, enigma. — a saying which requires an interpretation.
» Someone described a proverb without an interpretation as a nut uncracked.
» It is valuable and you know it—but you cannot benefit from its value until you “open” it up!
• Some of the Proverbs require thought… and interpretation. A wise man will attain unto counsel… seek guidance… and obtain the meaning of them!
• Thus, true wisdom is described as a hungering for truth…

5. The wise man will understand these dark sayings…
• Dark sayings: riddle, difficult question, parable, enigmatic saying or question, perplexing saying or question.
• I Kings 10:1 – The Queen of Sheba came to prove Solomon with “hard questions.” —same word as “dark sayings.”
• The wise man will keep on digging in this book until he has all of his hard questions answered… until the light shines on the dark sayings and he gets it!
• He keeps on digging because he is wise—and because he is wise he realizes that he is not perfect — that he has areas of weakness… that he has blind spots… that he has not arrived. He is not only wise, but humble!
• Why would God ever reveal truth through “dark sayings”??? Why not reveal truth in an easier way? So that we would APPLY our hearts to wisdom… DIG deep… STUDY to show ourselves approved unto God!

Proverbs 1:7

The Fear of the Lord

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge…

1. The first occurrence of the expression “fear of the Lord” is found in I Sam. 11:7. The law of first occurrence indicates that what is revealed here is foundational. Totality
• What a dramatic beginning for an expression!
• Its original meaning was real FEAR—afraid of the awful consequences!
• The foundation of this expression is genuine fear—being afraid—shaking in one’s boots—
• Note also in this passage that the result of the fear of the Lord was that the people rallied to obey!
• They were moved by fear to obey…
• Heb.11:7 says that Noah was moved with fear and prepared an ark to the saving of his house.
• When WE are moved with fear, we too will obey! Fear drives us AWAY from evil and towards that which pleases God.
• Little children learn to FEAR the hot stove—usually by burning themselves. But once they discover the consequences of touching the stove—fear keeps them away from that which is not good for them! Fear is good and spiritually healthy.

2. Linking the fear of the Lord with wisdom and knowledge was first stated in Job 28:28.
• Chronologically, this occurs before the passage in I Sam… even though it appears after it in the order of the books. Job was written earlier.
• It would be quite foolish NOT to fear the Lord! Job learned just how immense God was… he got a glimpse of God’s infinite power in creation… God’s infinite wisdom and knowledge…
• God holds our next breath in His hand! He chastens His sons. He is omniscient… omnipotent!
• Not fearing that kind of a God would be foolish indeed!

3. It is a GOOD thing to fear God… to be afraid of Him…
• It is not popular any more to speak of God-fearing men… but the Bible sure speaks about it a lot! We should too!
• We have become so “buddy buddy” with God that there seems to be no fear left!
• Others have diminished the concept of fearing God by reducing it to merely reverence. Certainly it includes reverence, but fearing God is MORE than that. It is primarily and essentially being AFRAID!
• Fear – Hebrew word: yirah — fear, terror, an awesome or terrifying thing (object causing fear) ; reverence…
• The new testament Greek word used in the expression is “phobos” – fear!
• to put to flight by terrifying (to scare away); to put to flight, to flee; to fear, be afraid; to be struck with fear, to be seized with alarm
• Fearing God is a good thing, regardless of how it is being downplayed in our generation.
• Some like to emphasize the fact that we should LOVE God and not fear Him. (Of course we love Him—but we FEAR Him too!)
• I feared the Grand Canyon… and that fear caused me to be in awe over its beauty, and also it caused me to walk circumspectly down those narrow trails!
• A child should fear His father… and he should love him too. They two are not mutually exclusive… both are part of a healthy relationship.

4. What causes us to fear God is the infinite gap between creature and Creator.
• This fear is based on a lofty concept of who God is… and who we are!
• We should fear displeasing Him… ever conscious of the fact that we could fall at any moment… and sin against Him!
• There is far too much shallowness in man’s relationship to God today. There is no fear of Him because we have reduced Him to one of us! (Ps. 50:17-21) God is NOT like us. He is God!

What the book of Proverbs says about the fear of the Lord…

1. It is the beginning of knowledge. (Prov.1:7)

2. Prov. 9:10 – The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom:

3. Prov. 8:13 – The fear of the LORD is to hate evil:

4. Prov. 10:27 – The fear of the LORD prolongeth days

5. Prov. 14:26 – In the fear of the LORD is strong confidence: and his children shall have a place of refuge.

6. Prov. 14:27 – The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death.

7. Prov. 15:16 – Better is little with the fear of the LORD than great treasure and trouble therewith.

8. Prov. 15:33 – The fear of the LORD is the instruction of wisdom;

9. Prov. 16:16 – by the fear of the LORD men depart from evil.

10. Prov. 19:23 – The fear of the LORD tendeth to life: and he that hath it shall abide satisfied; he shall not be visited with evil.

11. Prov. 22:4 – By humility and the fear of the LORD are riches, and honour, and life.

12. Prov. 23:17 – But be thou in the fear of the LORD all the day long.
• So if you want a life full of knowledge, wisdom, prolonged days, satisfaction, confidence, honor, and a life that hates and avoids evil—then fear God!
• In each context the expression occurs, there is a slightly different emphasis. But every time, fearing God is good and wholesome!

The Context of Proverbs 1:7

1. Here, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.

2. The beginning of knowledge:
• Beginning : first, beginning, best, chief; choice part
• The beginning of knowledge seems to refer to the MOST IMPORTANT part… the first and foremost…
• The most essential element in real knowledge is a fear of God!

3. The beginning of knowledge is contrasted to the fools who “despise wisdom and instruction.” (antithetical parallelism)
• The beginning of knowledge is the opposite of despising wisdom and instruction.
• There are two kinds of men. Those who (1) are moved with fear, and thus have true knowledge… and (2) despise wisdom and instruction.
• The fear of God is contrasted to a fool — in other words, the opposite of a God-fearing man is a fool! You are a FOOL if you do not fear God!
• Those two kinds of men are also characterized as (1) God fearing and (2) foolish.

4. What does fearing God have to do with knowledge? In what way is fearing God the chief part of knowledge?
• Consider the subject of marital problems…
• The God fearing man—because he fears God will fear displeasing God. He will want to know what God says about the subject. If he fears God, he will incorporate God’s Word to his marriage… He will want to marry a believer…
• The man who is NOT God fearing—the one described as a fool who hates instruction from God will seek help elsewhere…
• Consider the philosophical problem: why are we here?
• The God fearing man has the most important part of knowledge—God Himself! He knows just where to look for the answer.
• The man who is not God-fearing—the one described as a fool, is forced to seek the answer in his own fallen imagination!
• He is missing the most important part of knowledge: a fear of God!
• Where did the sun and moon come from?
• The God fearing man knows. The God fearing child knows.
• Some of the most brilliant minds in America are spending billions of your tax dollars to find out.
• He is missing the most important part of knowledge: a fear of God!
• How can I get to heaven?
• The man who fears God has no problem with the answer.
• The fool—who despises instruction will try to invent a way on his own… will attempt to make it through some religious endeavor, and end up in hell forever.
• He is missing the most important part of knowledge: a fear of God!
• Consider the problem of self control—either alcohol, drugs, lust, sexual sins, greed, or anger, etc. How do I deal with these problems?
• The God-fearing man has the answer: FEAR of displeasing God… and FEAR of the consequences of sin cause him to FLEE from evil!
• The fool who dismisses fearing God as an archaic concept lacks fear… and will be enticed… to his own destruction.
• He is missing the most important part of knowledge: a fear of God!
• How should I bring up my children? Should I spank them or not? Should I let them have equal authority in the home as the parents? What is the right way?
• The God-fearing man has the answer—
• The fool—who hates wisdom and instruction from God is doomed to grope in the darkness… and will pay dearly for it!
• He is missing the most important part of knowledge: a fear of God!
• Ecc. 12:13 – Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
• Fearing God is the chief or most important part of knowledge.
• Fearing God is the chief or most important part of our duty before God—in fact all else could be summarized by it!

But fools despise wisdom and instruction…

1. The fool runs headlong into all kinds of trouble that God fearing people avoid.
God has recorded His wisdom for us. It is all written for our learning and admonition!
Fearing God will keep us OFF the dead end streets the fool runs down…

2. Because he does not fear God, he does not listen to godly counsel or to the Word of God. Hence, he reaps the awful fruit of such rejection of truth. (Prov.1:30-31)

3. Because he does not fear God, he does not fear the consequences of sin before a holy God… and hence, he runs right into it! (Psalm 36:1-4)

4. A woodsman who does not fear his chain-saw… or does not fear the falling tree and refuses to receive instruction about his folly will PAY for it eventually! Sooner or later he will take a risk he shouldn’t… he will become careless… and he will be severely hurt.

5. Fear can be healthy and wholesome. A lack of fear is foolish.

6. If you want true knowledge, the place to start is “fearing God.” If you want to be a fool—despise instruction… and refuse to fear God.
• What is more reasonable than that a creature should trust and fear his Creator? What is more illogical than that a creature should reject the instruction of his Creator?
• vs.5 – A wise man will hear and learn. But the fool will despise wisdom and instruction.
• Because of his pride and arrogance, the fool learns lessons the hard way if at all.
• Solomon wrote this book to teach young men knowledge and discretion. (vs.4) Here he lays down one VITAL rule if that goal is to be accomplished: fear God! That is the principle part of knowledge! There is no true knowledge without it!
• Don’t be a fool and despise this kind of instruction. It is for your good!

Proverbs 1:8-9

An Ornament of Grace

8My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother:

1. This is the first “my son” passage in Proverbs. There are 23 more. (They would of course be applicable to daughters as well.)

2. This is appropriate during our “family series” time—so much in Proverbs is applicable to the family setting… directly or indirectly. This is direct!

3. Several truths should be noted in this verse.

a. It is the responsibility of BOTH parents to teach the children!
• We often think of training children as the mother’s job… the father is off at work all day.
• Not so in the Bible. In fact, the father is especially singled out in Eph. 6:4! “Fathers… bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord!”

b. Each parent will have wisdom in different areas. A wise husband will put to use the unique wisdom of a woman in training children.
• A father may be strong on nurturing a solid work ethic in the child
• A mother may be strong on nurturing manners and etiquette in the child.
• A father might be strong in nurturing a sense of honor and fair play in the child.
• A mother might be strong in nurturing love in the child.

c. The child is to listen to BOTH parents.
• A young boy might think he should listen to his dad, but doesn’t have to pay attention to mom. Not so!
• A young girl might like to think that she has to obey mom, but dad doesn’t really understand girl things—so she doesn’t have to listen to him. Not so!
• The husband and wife become ONE flesh in marriage. They are to behave like ONE flesh in bringing up children too. They must speak with ONE united voice!
• Any disagreement on dealing with issues with the kids must be dealt with in private—NOT before the kids.
• The son here is commanded to obey the instruction of BOTH mother and father. The writer takes it for granted that both parents are saying the same thing.
• The instructions from mom cannot be contradictory to those of dad or the child is being trained in confusion.
• If there is no agreement—the Bible still COMMANDS one voice. The husband is the head of the wife—the head of the household.
• But a wise husband will discuss these issues with his wife—and consider her viewpoint.

4. The father’s instruction

a. Instruction: discipline, chastening, correction.

b. The child is to “hear” = listen; hearken; obey; heed;

5. The mother’s law

a. Law = Torah — law, direction, instruction.

b. The child is to “forsake not” = to leave, cast off or away, reject, cease, abandon, quit, cast down, let fall, forgo…

6. Putting these two concepts together we see the role of the parents:

a. Lay down the law for the child.

b. Instruct the child concerning those laws…

c. Correcting him when he wanders outside the parameters of those laws

d. All three are necessary and vital—and there must be a balance.
• If all we do is lay down the laws and pile up laws—the children will feel oppressed and will become frustrated. (Eph. 6:4—strictly forbids that!)
• There must also be instruction—teaching the child the benefits of the laws—the reasons behind the laws—to protect him from evil and so he will develop a respect for others!

7. While there are slight variations which add new insights, the two phrases are actually a synonymous parallelism.

a. The instruction of the father = the law of the mother

b. Hearing = forsaking not

c. Putting them both together, a child is to hear the instructions and laws of his parents, and he is NOT to forsake them.

8. While these laws and instruction may certainly INCLUDE certain “house rules” (bed time; what to eat, wear, etc.) it would seem to EMPHASIZE the words of wisdom as found in the book of Proverbs.

a. In other words, it seems that the instruction and laws being drilled into the child’s heart mentioned here have to do with lifelong principles… principles which will govern the rest of their days.

b. The words of wisdom found in Proverbs include: the use of the tongue; the use of money and property; respect for elders; diligence vs. slothfulness; wise use of time; avoiding immorality; avoiding association with a foolish man; the pursuit of the knowledge of God; etc.

c. Parents have a responsibility to train a child in wise principles that will set them in a right direction the rest of their lives.

d. Parents have a responsibility to drill these principles of morality and godliness, as deeply as possible into the hearts of their children.

9For they shall be an ornament of grace unto thy head, and chains about thy neck.

1. “They” in vs. 9 refers back to the instruction and the law of the parents.

a. If the parents do their job of drilling this instruction in the heart of their child, and if the child takes heed to the instruction… THEN the instruction will be an ornament on that child!

2. The author may have intended this verse to be a reference to both boys and girls.

a. An ornament of grace unto thy head: would refer to a garland placed on the head of a victorious runner in a race… usually young men. A garland on the head is a sign of victory.

b. A chain on thy neck: may refer to a necklace for a young woman… jewelry. (Although, men wore necklaces in OT times—pharaoh put a necklace on Joseph when he was taken from prison and dressed up.)

3. Regardless of whether he intended to include both boys and girls, the main point is clear: the ornament of grace about the head and the chains about the neck are to be desired! They are signs of beauty… grace…
• Gen.41:41-42 – Joseph was given a gold chain about his neck—and all others had to bend the knee before him! Great honor!
• Dan.5:7 – Daniel was given a gold chain around his neck IF he could interpret the dreams. It was a sign of great honor!

a. THIS is what makes a child beautiful—respect, honor, and obedience towards their parents… wisdom that has been drilled in and has become part of them…

b. It is not a beautiful face or expensive clothes that makes a child attractive. It is a beautiful heart! An obedient, respectful heart!

c. I have seen some obnoxious little brats who had cute faces and were well dressed.

d. I have also seen some physically unattractive children—and yet there was an attraction about them—they were obedient—respectful—well behaved. THAT is what makes a child attractive! THAT is the real ornament!

e. This is similar to what Peter says of the godly woman. (I Pet. 3:1-4)

• Peter is not forbidding women to wear gold jewelry, or to braid their hair, or to “put on clothes”!
• Rather, he is forbidding women to rely on those outward things for their real beauty! Their real beauty is to be found in a meek and quiet spirit!
• THAT is what is of great price—far more valuable than their jewelry!

4. If parents do their job, and the children respond in obedience, THEN those children are truly beautiful! Even if they don’t have fancy new clothes! Even if they aren’t physically attractive!

a. Real beauty—real attractiveness comes from within!

b. Children who PRACTICE the wisdom found in this book will be quite a testimony in the community—in the supermarket—in their school—

5. Those children will be wearing a garland of victory on their heads and a sign of beauty on their neck.

a. That is something the child can wear proudly—or with respect.
• The Awana kids wear their jewels proudly!
• Those jewels represent hard work—training—an accomplishment!
• So too a child who obeys his parents. That is quite an accomplishment, especially in today’s world!
• Obedient children should not feel like a nerd for being obedient. They should be proud of it!

b. It is also something the parent can be proud of—or feel satisfied in.
• It really IS quite an accomplishment!
• When the child is respectful and obedient and honors dad and mom, THEN that child is a victor—and so are dad and mom!
• It is a good thing for parents to praise obedient behavior too—because the garland on the head and necklace on the neck are really invisible… the child may not SEE the beauty of it—but he needs to know. He needs to be told!

6. But not only is this “drilled in wisdom and respect” a sign of victory and beauty when the child is at home. It is a crown they can wear the rest of their lives!

a. That son who listened to his father’s instruction about hard work and diligence will benefit from that the rest of his life! His hard work will pay off and he will wear a crown all his life!

b. The daughter who did not forsake the law of her mother—perhaps the law of kindness in her mouth—will be able to wear that kindness as a necklace the rest of her days! That will enhance her attractiveness the rest of her life!

c. And dad and mom can REST when they look at their grown children and SEE that their hard work paid off!
• When the parents SEE honesty and integrity in their son’s life, they will be seeing the crown of victory on his head! There will be a great sense of fulfillment knowing that all the hours you spent reading those McGuffey readers with him paid off!
• When the parents SEE their daughter show compassion and kindness to others … they can rejoice—knowing that all those lessons about the life of Jesus paid off…
• You see, in a sense, that crown belongs to BOTH the faithful parents AND the obedient children! ALL can rejoice in it!
• It is sort of like when a husband buys his wife a beautiful, expensive gold necklace. The wife can wear it proudly—but the husband can also get a sense of satisfaction from seeing it on her! “Boy she looks good in that! I have good taste!” They BOTH share in the joy of it!
• We might liken this to the proud parents of a young athlete who wins a gold metal at the Olympics! The child worked hard to make it—but so did the parents sacrifice a lot to bring the child to that place. They BOTH share in the glory of that gold metal!
• So too when we do a good job training our children—it is a crown of victory and a necklace of beauty for BOTH the child and parents to enjoy the rest of their lives!

Proverbs 1:10-12

If Sinners Entice Thee

10 My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not.

1. The enticement in this passage is to a life of crime.

2. He addresses “my son”… fatherly advice.

a. Any father would fear that his son would be enticed by the troublemakers… lured into the wrong crowd…

b. Solomon feared that for his own son… even though his son was not brought up in a ghetto, but in the royal court!

c. There are wrong crowds everywhere!

d. Every father should warn his sons about this potential problem. Daughters should be warned too!

3. The author EXPECTS that the young man WILL be enticed.

a. Perhaps we could understand this to be saying WHEN sinners entice thee—because it WILL happen.
• Evil men are quite industrious in their endeavors to entice!
• Misery loves company! Sinners love company in their wicked ways.
• It makes them feel good—to entice an otherwise “good kid” into their evil fold makes them look good… that “good kid” becomes a sort of trophy to them!

b. Entice: to be simple, entice, deceive, persuade…
• The wrong crowd will prey upon a young boy’s inexperience.
• They will deceive him into thinking that crime is a breeze—that crime pays!
• It looks pretty attractive to young boys… young men… especially if they live in poverty and feel trapped.
• They look at the drug pusher, driving a fancy new car, wearing gold necklaces, with wads of money in their wallets. It IS an enticing lifestyle!
• But the application is not just towards the drug pusher. The wrong crowd does not necessarily have to be gangsters… just ungodly kids… rebels… the bad crowd at school…

c. Consent: to be willing; to consent, yield to, accept…
• The command is “don’t yield”! Don’t give in! Don’t accept their offer!
• Life is FULL of enticements. Kids need to be taught to have enough backbone to say NO!
• Remember, they can entice you, but they cannot force you!
• There are enough people in the world so that you can afford to be picky with your friends!
• Too often the excuse is used: “ I just got in with the wrong crowd.” Here is the warning to stay away!
• You have been warned!!!—Have NO fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness!

11If they say, Come with us, let us lay wait for blood, let us lurk privily for the innocent without cause: 12 Let us swallow them up alive as the grave; and whole, as those that go down into the pit:

1. Here the enticement seems to be to join the band of hoodlums for the sheer pleasure of hurting others!

2. “Come with us!” (vs.11) (Cf. vs.14 a)

a. There is an attractiveness to belonging…

b. The bad crowd here entices the young man by offering him “membership”—“with us”! You can belong somewhere… you can be a part of our gang… the in crowd… the cool crowd…

c. Sociologists say that that is one of the main attractions to the gang—a sense of belonging—a family—to young people who never had any strong family ties.

d. You young people will also be enticed by the wrong crowd—maybe not a gang, but the wrong crowd nonetheless.

e. That is why it is so important that you get your sense of belonging from your real family—and from the local church!

f. And to the young people today who do not have a mother or the father has left you: God says, “I will be a father to the fatherless!”

g. There is a clear line being drawn in the Bible on this issue.
• The evil crowd cries to the young man: “Come with us”!
• God’s Word says: “Come out from among them and be ye separate!” (II Cor. 6:14-18)
• Whose fellowship and companionship do you want?

3. Let us lay wait for BLOOD: The “draw” here appears to the SPORT of shedding blood!

a. They seem to LOVE it—they RUN to evil; and make HASTE to shed blood! (vs.16)

b. Lay wait = ambush; lie in the bushes waiting for your victim!

c. As sick and depraved as it sounds, there is a sport to crime… even to murder!

d. Stealing becomes a game—killing gives the murderer a “rush”!

e. In Littleton CO, there was a whole club of young boys called the black trench-coat club. This club glorified blood and violence and murder!
• MANY were lured into this club—perhaps never imagining that the club leaders would ever carry out their twisted plans… but they did!

f. Television has as one of its main enticements this same attraction: blood, violence, and murder!

g. If your sons are watching TV all day long—or every night—they are being indoctrinated —- and they very well may be seduced! Who knows where it might lead? Are you willing to take the chance?

h. On TV, they are watching blood and violence glorified…
• There is a lot of blood and violence and sex in the Bible too. But there is a BIG difference.
• TV glorifies sin. (alcohol—young healthy, tan beautiful people) The Bible exposes it and warns of its real life consequences! (What a different picture we have of alcohol in Prov. 23!)
• Lately TV not only glorifies sin but it also vilifies righteousness!

4. Let us lurk privily for the innocent without a cause!

a. Note that these ungodly criminals especially hate the innocent…

b. They hate the innocent and want to rob them because the innocence of the upright puts the criminal in a bad light!

c. The innocent are innocent because they worked hard and exerted much labor and effort to acquire their goods.

d. The diligence of the innocent makes the criminal look bad! It shames them and condemns them…

e. Darkness hates the light! (John 3:20 – “Everyone that doeth evil hateth the light!”)

5. Let us swallow them up alive — and whole! (vs.12)

a. Leave no clues behind so we won’t get caught!

b. The implication seems to be that there are no consequences to crime! You won’t get caught if you join with us! We’re smarter than the authorities! They will never catch us!

c. This is part of the “enticement”—the deception—the lie: there are no consequences to sin and crime… crime pays! It will make you happy! You can lead the “good life”!!!

d. The implication is that sin is liberating—you can do whatever you want and not get caught. The opposite is true. Sin does not liberate. It enslaves!

e. Prov. 5:22 – the “cords” of sin!

6. The crime that is described here seems so foolish… pointless… to harm other human beings… maim… wound… even kill—as a sport!

a. One would think that such warnings are not needed—but they are!

b. These kinds of senseless crimes happen every day. Check your local newspaper for recent illustrations!

7. We have a serious warning to all young people—choose your friends well! Avoid evil companions!

a. The Bible has a lot to say about this too…

b. I Cor. 15:33 – evil communications (fellowships) corrupt good manners!

c. Prov. 9:6 – forsake the foolish and live!
• A life of crime does not pay. It does NOT improve life.
• Take your son on a tour of the state penitentiary—to show them how much fun a life of crime is!

d. Prov. 13:20 – choose your friends carefully. You BECOME one of the crowd you join!

Proverbs 1:13-19

Greedy of Gain


1. The author EXPECTS that the young man WILL be enticed. (vs.10)

2. “Come with us!” (vs.11) They offer “membership”!

3. vs.11 – Let us lay wait for BLOOD—The “draw” here appears to the sport of shedding blood!

4. vs. 12 – Let us swallow them up alive—and whole!

a. Leave no clues behind so we won’t get caught!

b. The implication seems to be that there are no consequences to crime! You won’t get caught if you join with us! We’re smarter than the authorities! They will never catch us!

The Motivation Behind Their Crime: Greed

13We shall find all precious substance, we shall fill our houses with spoil:

1. First they invite the young man to “Come with us”. Then they make their crime sound like a sport… like going hunting. Then they put the finishing touches on their enticement: you will be RICH if you come with us!

2. Find = acquire; obtain… not just find, but find and take!

3. Precious = valuable, prized, weighty, rare,

4. Substance = wealth, riches, substance; (double emphasis on the value)

5. Their real motivation is greed… stealing.

a. The crime described here is highway robbery.

b. They planned to hide behind the rocks along the road, and wait for some innocent, unsuspecting travelers to come by. (vs.11)

c. They plan on killing them, and leaving no clues behind so they won’t be caught. (vs.12)

d. And then they expect to get away with all their wealth! (vs.13)

6. They expect to obtain enough to make the whole band of crooks rich!

a. They will FILL their houses with the spoil… the wealth…

b. And if this young man comes with them, he too can expect to receive a whole house full of riches. They include him in the “we”.

7. These crooks make their crime quite appealing… enticing… by painting a rosy picture of the results—a house full of riches!

a. They do NOT tell this young man what they expect of him!

b. No doubt they will be putting this young man—if he comes with them- in harm’s way!

c. If they are like most crooks, they will ensure that if anyone gets caught, it will be the rookie!

d. But of course, they don’t tell him that! They don’t tell him the chances of getting caught… nor do they tell him the penalties under the law for getting caught… they do not describe to him what life is like in the dungeon… nor do they mention the guilt and shame… just the riches!

8. Our enemy always presents the rosy side of sin!

a. There IS a pleasure to sin—Hebrews 11:25

b. Sinners don’t always get caught right away.

c. And the fact that sinners are not judged for their sins right away gives them a sense that they can continue in sin without any consequences… (Ecc. 8:11) a heart fully SET to do evil!

d. But the wise man knows that eventually our sin IS exposed! Either in this life or the life to come… always! (Num. 32:23) Be sure your sin will find you out!

e. As this band of professional thieves seeks to recruit this young boy, they give him only one side of the picture! When all you have is one side of the picture—WOW is your thinking lopsided and off base!

f. So far they have made highway robbery sound fun, like a sport, and profitable! And there are no consequences… at least if you hear only the crooks side of the story! (everything to gain; nothing to lose—what a lie!!!)

g. That is the way the devil presents all kinds of sin to us!
· Like the beer and whiskey commercials on TV—they are all young, tan, well off, beautiful people!
• They don’t show you the wino sleeping in his vomit on their commercials!
• Sin is presented as glamorous, exciting, fun, profitable!
• But after a while it bites like a serpent! Sin is a trap… a snare!
• That’s how I catch woodchucks. I put something very appealing to them in the mouth of the cage… and conceal the fact that once they go for it, they set of the trigger that results in disaster for them!
• That’s how men catch fish—the attractive bait conceals the real result—the deadly hook!

14Cast in thy lot among us; let us all have one purse:

1. Once again, they appeal to this young man to join them. “You can be one of us! One of the cool guys! We are accepting members—and we don’t want just anybody, we want you!”

2. And note the next appeal: let us all have one purse!

a. We will share all our wealth equally! You can be an equal partner!

b. We will be like one big happy family! A commune!

c. Do you know life is like in a community of crooks? They are all dishonest… and nobody trusts anybody!

d. Crooks also usually fight over the distribution of goods too!!

15My son, walk not thou in the way with them; refrain thy foot from their path:

1. Now Solomon gives more fatherly advice… an exhortation to his son.

2. The crooks will be saying, “Come with us!” (vs.11)
• Solomon’s advice is, “Don’t go!” Don’t walk with them!
• Refrain they foot from their path! Stay away!
• Refrain: to withhold, hold back, keep back, deny

3. Solomon is trying to give his sons words of wisdom that will protect them the rest of their days.

a. This wisdom and discretion will KEEP them from evil doers.

b. Prov. 2:10-15 – discretion will deliver a young man and keep him off roads that lead to trouble and destruction.

c. A parent has a responsibility to steer their children in the right direction.

d. Ps.1:1 – Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly… nor standeth in the way of sinners… nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful!

e. The young person who listens to his parents, and avoids walking with trouble makers will be blessed… happy in the long run. There is nothing cool about prison.

16For their feet run to evil, and make haste to shed blood.

1. This verse is Solomon’s assessment of the band of crooks.

a. Evil men seem to have a sense of urgency about their evil… they are in a hurry to sin!

b. They are not just walking down the wrong road; they are running!

c. They seem to be infatuated by sin!

17Surely in vain the net is spread in the sight of any bird.

1. There are two interpretations to this verse. It is hard to tell for sure which one the author intended.


a. Here Solomon compares the criminals to birds about to be trapped in a net… a snare.

b. Birds have a bad reputation in the Bible. They are spoken of as foolish, silly creatures… stupid! (Ephraim is like a silly dove without heart)

c. Here Solomon states that even a stupid bird seems to have more sense than these criminals!

d. Criminals must KNOW that there are consequences to their sin… they must know that eventually they are going to get caught… yet they STILL not only commit crimes, they make HASTE to run to evil and shed blood!

2. It would be vain to spread a net or a trap in the sight of a bird. If an animal knows he is going to be trapped, he will avoid the trap!

a. As silly as birds might be—they have enough sense to avoid a trap when they see it.

b. Not so with the criminals. They KNOW that their crime is a trap ready to catch them at any moment, yet they RUN to evil!


3. It also possible to understand vs.17 another way. Some see vs.17 as a comparison of a bird not to the criminals but to the son Solomon is warning.

a. In this view, Solomon has just warned his son about the TRAP that the criminals have set for him. They have allured the young man into a life of crime… but a life of crime is a snare… a trap. They have used sport and riches as bait to lure him into their trap.

b. The point would be that Solomon’s son has been warned about the trap that is being set for him.

c. Even a silly bird wouldn’t walk into a trap if he knew it was a trap… therefore, Solomon expects that his son will NOT follow these criminals and enter the trap they have set for him!

d. In other words, Solomon is saying: Son, you have been warned! You know full well that their enticing words are nothing but a trap which will destroy you! Don’t enter it!

18And they lay wait for their own blood; they lurk privily for their own lives. 19So are the ways of every one that is greedy of gain; which taketh away the life of the owners thereof.

1. vs.18 – The point is clear: evil men reap what they sow!

a. These criminals were seeking the blood of others. They were actually laying in wait for their OWN blood!

b. They were lurking privily to pounce upon their victims. In reality, it is their own lives that will be taken! Ambushers will be ambushed!

c. While these evil men set traps for others… for young recruits and for their victims—THEY will be the ones to be ensnared eventually!

d. A life of crime leads to ruin! Crime does NOT pay!

2. This is a conclusion to the whole section – vs.10-19.

a. This is the conclusion: every one who is greedy of gain and murders to obtain wealth will fall into their own trap!

b. Those who love money and are greedy of gain fall into a snare and into many foolish and hurtful lusts! (I Tim. 6:9-1)

3. I Tim. 6:11 – The son has been duly warned. Now he knows the ways of those who are greedy of gain… who are willing even to KILL in order to obtain their wealth.

4. Solomon’s desire, of course, is that if his son KNOWS the ways of the sinners and what they are really up to—that he will avoid them… that he will WANT to avoid them!

Proverbs 1:20-23

Wisdom Calls!

20 Wisdom crieth without; she uttereth her voice in the streets: 21 She crieth in the chief place of concourse, in the openings of the gates: in the city she uttereth her words, saying,

1. In this section, Solomon personifies Wisdom.

a. Webster’s: A figure of speech in which a thing, quality, or idea is represented as a person.

b. Solomon uses this figure of speech here and in 8:1 and 9:3.

c. This is not the wisdom of man, but Divine wisdom.

2. Wisdom is pictured here as IF she were a person:

a. Crying out… uttering her voice in the street… crying out in the chief place of concourse… in the gates of the city…

b. In other words, wherever people gather—there is wisdom crying out to them…

c. Wisdom has a message she wants to communicate with all people!

d. Solomon speaks of Lady Wisdom and Lady Folly in this book. Each one is calling out to men to follow…

3. There is a difference between the way Wisdom calls and the way Folly calls.

a. Wisdom calls out in the open—in the streets—in the open gates and concourse.

b. When the fools call out to the youth in 1:10-11Iit is a secret, sly, covert kind of calling… done in the dark.

c. Lady Wisdom CALLS out loud… she cries out for all to her. Fools whisper… like the hissing of a serpent.

d. Wisdom has nothing to hide. Folly and evil attempt to hide their real intentions.

4. Wisdom is calling here—but evidently, few are listening! (vs.24)

a. The end of the chapter outlines the disastrous results of NOT taking heed to the call of wisdom. (vs.31)

b. There are GOOD consequences of taking heed. (vs.33)


How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity?

1. First, the foolish ones are addressed as “simple.”

a. Simple: naïve; inexperienced; babes in wisdom; ignorant ones; spiritual immaturity;

b. The simple are unstable—easily influenced for good or bad—but are naturally bent toward the evil.

c. This is not a sort of innocent kind of naïveté, but in this context, it has an evil connotation.

d. It is a kind of inexperience that rejects counsel… a willful ignorance…

2. Wisdom cries out, “How long will ye love simplicity?”

a. It is a rhetorical question. (He is not expecting an answer!)

b. The point of the question is really to highlight THINKING of the simple ones: they LOVE their simplicity!

c. Foolish people love their folly. Many ignorant people LOVE their ignorance! Many spiritually immature people LOVE their immaturity.

d. This, sadly, is human nature. That is the main point Solomon makes here. It is human nature for fools to love folly.

e. They do not WANT to be corrected! They don’t want to have light shine on their darkness. Darkness hates the light and will not come to the light lest its evil deeds be exposed!

3. This question is intended to be a call to repentance!

a. Wisdom is calling ignorant people to repent of their ignorance… calling upon inexperienced people to repent of their inexperience…

b. To ask, “How long” = “Stop! Repent!”

c. It is one thing to be ignorant because you have no access to information. It is quite another thing to HEAR wisdom calling… and to ignore her… and to go on in one’s ignorance!

d. Ignorance then becomes willful ignorance. It is no longer innocent but evil!

e. Wisdom is calling on the ignorant and the inexperienced here to STOP being ignorant and inexperienced!

4. The love of ignorance.

a. They say ignorance is bliss. This kind of thinking is exactly what Solomon is rebuking!

b. There is a childlike bliss to the ignorance of children.
• They don’t have to worry about atomic war…
• Or the economy… or whether the factory will close down and lose their job. They have no concern about their retirement package.
• They don’t think about cancer and other diseases.
• They get in a car and don’t think about the horrors of an accident.
• In the spiritual realm, I doubt if any of the kids here ever worry about Salem Bible Church being taken over by charismatics, New Evangelicals, Reformed theology, contemporary Christian music, Amillennialism; etc.
• Most young children are unaware that a spiritual battle is being waged in the heavens—to lure them away from Christ.
• Children are blissfully ignorant of all of the above! And rightly so! Enjoy your childhood, kids!

c. One would expect a child to love his cookies and toys. A child should love his years of inexperience ignorance of the adult world.

d. But there comes a time when a child SHOULD be concerned about things other than the sand in the sandbox or whether we have any cookies and lemonade!
• There comes a point when it is quite foolish for a grown man not to be concerned about cholesterol level… or his job security… or retirement…
• There comes a point when it is quite foolish spiritually for a believer NOT to be concerned about the spiritual battle being waged about him… he should be concerned about whether Salem Bible Church is overtaken by contemporary Christian music and the charismatics, etc.
• Grown men should not want to remain ignorant or inexperienced… especially in the spiritual realm—but also in the natural realm!

e. It is also clear that there are many grown men and women who seem to LOVE their simplicity… ignorance… they wallow in it!
• Many adults refuse to grow up!
• You’ve seen the 65 year olds dressing up and behaving as if they were 16!
• I have met many Christians that fall into this category—they refuse to grow up!
• Any attempt to enlighten them… teach them… admonish them is rejected — and the one attempting to help is considered to be promoting groundless alarm—
• They would reply, “Lighten up!” “Don’t worry, be happy!” “You’re just a Killjoy!”
• They love their simplicity!



1. Here, a second kind of fool is mentioned—a scorner.

a. Scorner: to be inflated, scoff, act as a scorner, show oneself a mocker; one who is arrogant;

b. This fool is more advanced in his folly than the “simple” one.

c. This fool not only ignores wisdom calling, but MOCKS her! He speaks arrogantly against her! He scoffs at her wisdom… inflating himself ABOVE any need for her!

2. Here wisdom is frustrated even more—because these fools DELIGHT in their scoffing!

a. They get great pleasure at mocking wisdom.

b. You’ve met these people! They are everywhere!

c. The scorner mocks purity… holiness.. truth… the Bible…

d. Any attempt to set him on the straight and narrow will not only be ignored, it will be actively rejected… opposed… ridiculed!

e. Anyone who attempts to share God’s wisdom with this crowd will be mocked as a “goody two shoes!” or a “holier than thou”!

3. Have you ever shared the gospel with someone—and become frustrated because they seem to love their sin… or they love their ignorance… they don’t really WANT to know what the Bible says—for fear that it might make them more accountable?

a. That is the same kind of frustration that God must feel even towards His own people—when He calls us with His wisdom—and we seem to love our simplicity!



1. The third term for fool is translated “fool” in English.

a. Fool = fool, stupid fellow, dullard, arrogant fellow;

b. If the three terms depict a “progression” in folly, this is the worst yet!

c. This is a person who is a settled fool… a determined fool… a career fool!

2. This kind of fool is characterized by hating knowledge.

a. Solomon speaks of this often in Proverbs.

b. vs.29 – they hated the knowledge that comes from God.

c. Sometimes, this kind of fool laments his case—when it is too late! (Prov.5:7-13) vs.12- How have I hated instruction!

d. Prov.12:1 – the one who hates instruction is brutish—stupid!

e. Prov.13:18 – Poverty and shame shall be to that man!

f. Prov. 15:
• vs. 5- a fool despises his father’s instruction—or any one else’s!
• vs. 10 – Correction is grievous! He shall die!
• vs. 12 – He does not appreciate the one who reproves!
• vs. 31-32 – He despises his own soul! His folly results in personal damage—catastrophe!

g. Eccl. 7:5 – The fool does not want to hear reproof. He just wants to hear happy sounds… upbeat… positive… eat, drink, and be merry! I don’t need to be corrected!

3. God’s Wisdom (personified) is pictured as being extremely frustrated with the attitude of these foolish people!

a. Wisdom is crying out—but no one is listening!

b. Wisdom is trying to reprove and rebuke so as to HELP—but instead of being appreciated, she is scorned… rejected… mocked… ridiculed!

c. Again, the point of the question is to highlight an aspect of human nature—people do NOT like to be corrected… reproved… admonished

d. It is because of arrogance and pride—a sign of great folly!

e. Remember how the book began—“a wise man will hear and increase in learning…” (vs.5)

4. II Tim. 4:2-4 – It is frustrating as a pastor sometimes too!

a. The pastor’s job is to reprove and rebuke when needed.

b. However, men do not WANT to be corrected or reproved! Yet God says, “Do it any way!”

c. Men behave much like a cornered cat!

d. Yet, I must at times, open God’s word and point out God’s wisdom on a particular issue—as a means of reproof—knowing that many men and women will behave like fools—
• I may have to point out a sin… or an attitude that is contrary to the Scriptures!
• I may have to point out an area where an individual has not been faithful…to their ministry… or in attendance…
• I may have to point out an offense…
• I may have to warn about backsliding or slipping away…
• A wise man will hear God’s Wisdom. A fool loves their ignorance… a scorner might even actively oppose the wisdom presented… and a hard hearted, full scale fool will even HATE it!

5. And, this wisdom cries out to us in many ways.

a. It may be the pastor…

b. It most likely will be in our devotion time—although many foolish people don’t have their personal devotions…

c. So it may have to come from another believer… (Rom. 15:14 – we should be able to admonish one another —- with God’s wisdom!)

23 Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you.

1. Turn = repent, turn back; return;

2. Reproof = rebuke, correction, reproof, punishment, chastisement

3. Wisdom is calling for repentance—for the simple, the scorners, and the fools to repent… to acknowledge God’s wisdom and to OBEY!

4. I will pour out my spirit unto you and make known my words unto you!

a. This is an awesome promise!

b. IF we are WILLING to OBEY Gods’ wisdom—God will give us all we need for life and godliness!

c. God isn’t trying to withhold wisdom from anybody! In fact, wisdom is calling out in the open spaces for all to come to her!

d. The promise is, “If you will respond to my call… come to me… seeking wisdom… in sincerity… willing to repent… willing to change… willing to DO what is right—I will not just trickle down—but POUR out my wisdom upon your life!

5. Thus, wisdom in the Bible is not a matter of intelligence… brain power… or academics. It is a MORAL issue.

a. The man who is WILLING to receive God’s wisdom will have it showered upon them.

b. The man who is UNWILLING to receive God’s wisdom does so because he LOVES his folly… he loves his simplicity… he loves his ignorance and sin. He will remain in his ignorance and darkness and folly.

c. When it comes to understanding God’s wisdom and truth—the words of Jesus are applicable :
• Matthew 13:12 – For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath.
• To the reader of Proverbs: “Should I put this book down because it points out my ignorance and folly, (and thus continue in my folly) or should I continue reading, respond to God’s wisdom, and gain wisdom from it… increase in learning?”

Proverbs 1:24-27

I Have Called and Ye Refused


24 Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded.

1. The speaker is Wisdom, personified. (vs. 20)

2. Wisdom is calling out to everyone who passes by—crying out in the open places where people congregate. (vs.20-21)

3. Wisdom cries out to the simple ones (inexperienced); to the scorners and to hard hearted fools. (vs.22)

4. Now wisdom has a sad message for all of the fools—but first she gives them the REASON for her bad news…


a. Wisdom called to them, but they refused. (call = to summon, invite, call for)

• Refused: an intense form of refusal…
• It was not that the message slipped their mind. This was an open, conscious refusal to respond. “In your face—I will not” kind of refusal!
• This was not a matter of ignorance. It was open rebellion and refusal to do what was right.
• Wisdom called—they heard—they refused to heed the call!

b. Wisdom stretched out her hand = but no one regarded.
• Stretch out one’s hand = offer help; assistance; guidance; to rescue…
• Regarded = pay attention; give attention; take heed…
• NO one! Not one of these simple ones or scorners or fools paid any attention to the help offered by Wisdom!
• It must take a lot of pride to refuse this kind of hand… especially when you are drowning and are too proud to grab hold of the hand that is stretched out to rescue you! (I’d rather do it myself!)
• Wisdom is crying out so everyone can hear. Wisdom is holding out her hand so EVERYONE has the help they need—but NO ONE is paying any attention.

25 But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof:


1. Wisdom offered counsel. (counsel = advice, purpose)

a. The fools “set at nought” all the counsel offered.

b. Set at naught = to let go, let loose, ignore, let alone.

c. The fools heard it—they had this wisdom at their fingertips, but they let go of it… they ignored it… they threw it all away.

d. How many people do we know like this?!?!?

e. Proverbs 19:20 – Hear counsel, and receive instruction, that thou mayest be wise in thy latter end.
• It is good in the long run to take heed to wise counsel!
• God knows that. God is pleading with men to listen to Him… to His word… to His wisdom…

f. Prov. 12:15 – The way of the fool is right in his own eyes… but the one who takes heed to counsel is wise!
• The sad truth is, however, that very few take heed to wise counsel!
• Most men are too proud to listen to others. They know everything—and therefore you can’t tell them anything!

g. Lady wisdom laments because she offers sound counsel, but the people set it at naught… they heard it; had it; but let it go!
• Wisdom is frustrated and discouraged !

2. Lady wisdom also offered reproof (vs.25c)

a. Reproof = rebuke, correction, punishment, chastisement.

b. Would = to be willing; They did not WANT to be reproved!

c. This is the kind of attitude that says, “Who are you to tell me what to do? Who do you think you are? I don’t need to be corrected!”

d. Here it states that the fools did not want reproof. In 1:30, it states that they actually DESPISED reproof!

e. Prov. 10:17 – He that refuseth reproof erreth.
• It is a serious error to reject counsel and refuse to be corrected!
• I have seen this countless times. Even believers hate to be corrected and reproved.
• Pastors and elders have to approach believers about sin or problems in their lives—and that takes place when the flesh is ruling. When the flesh is ruling, people hate reproof… and the one who approaches them often times gets blasted!

3. This pictures the heart of God toward sinners.

a. Matt. 23:37 – “I would… but ye would not!”

b. Rom. 10:21 – “All day long have I stretched out my hands unto a disobedient and gainsaying people…”

c. God is longsuffering… but even his longsuffering comes to an end!

d. Don’t play games with God!


26 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh;

1. This is not God laughing at the fool’s calamity. This is wisdom personified.

2. BUT—it is GOD’s wisdom that is laughing!

a. This is not a giddy or hilarious kind of laughter; Nor is it a sadistic or vindictive kind of laughter. Rather, it is a sad kind of laughter!

b. Have you ever seen those videos of robberies in which the robbers do the stupidest things and get caught? It is sad, but laughable!

c. “How could you be so stupid” kind of laughter—such as when you told your son to stay away from the puddle, and two seconds later, he is laying face first in the puddle—soaking wet! You want to cry, but you might as well laugh! (Comedy of errors!)

d. The main point of this figurative language (God’s wisdom laughing) is to demonstrate how foolish—stupid—ludicrous it is to defy God’s Wisdom! (like a flea shaking his fist at God!)
• Psa. 2:1-4 – God laughs — like a parent might laugh under his/her breath when a child attempts to pull a fast one on you—like when your son comes in and says “I didn’t touch the paint”—and he is covered with red paint! You laugh at their stupidity!

e. It is not so much that God is actually laughing. But to the scorner—the fool who openly rejects this wisdom—Wisdom seems to get the last laugh!—a kind of poetic justice!

27 When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you.

1. Here Solomon describes the life of the one who rejects counsel and wisdom.

2. Their life is full of desolation and destruction—like a whirlwind—one storm after the next!

3. It is a life full of fear, distress, and anguish!

4. There is no escaping it. You reap what you sow. This is the point of the remainder of the chapter!

5. The man who does not want to take heed to God’s Wisdom should expect a life of fear, distress, and anguish!

6. He will be running about putting out one fire after another—running from one storm of life to the next… he will wear himself out… spin his wheels in the mud and get nowhere.

7. I know way too many people in this category—sadly, many Christian people too!

a. Not every believer follows the way of wisdom. Many believers make some very foolish choices…

b. Many believers do their own thing—and refuse all counsel—reject reproof—and are determined to go their own way and do their own thing.

c. AND they pay for it! They are not experiencing the rest God promises His people. Instead, they are full of anxiety—fear—distress—stress!

d. Too many believers do not do things RIGHT. (I know I shouldn’t do this BUT… and on with 1001 excuses…)

e. It is sad to watch so many lives bent on destruction—right before your very eyes!

8. Hence, Solomon is giving his son ( and us!) ample WARNING

a. When wisdom calls—RESPOND in obedience!

b. When God’s Word has given you light and you know what is the right thing to do—DO IT!

c. LISTEN to Lady Wisdom! She is constantly calling to us! (vs.21)
• She calls to us each day as we read God’s Word! Be ye doers!
• She calls to us sometimes in a Sunday school class or Bible lesson…
• She calls to us sometimes through the brethren…
• She calls to us sometimes by means of reproof or rebuke…
• She calls to us sometimes in a still, small voice!
• She calls to us sometimes like the roaring of a lion—wake up!
• She calls to us sometimes by bringing to mind a Bible verse—perhaps while riding to work—or sitting on a lawn chair…
• She calls to us in all kinds of ways. The important thing is our response!
• She calls for obedience! (Prov. 8:10-11) ( or vs. 1-11)
• RECEIVE my instruction!
• Buy the truth and sell it not! (Prov. 23:23

Proverbs 1:28-30

Too Late For Wisdom!


1. Fools despise wisdom and instruction. (1:7)

2. The fools have been attempting to lure this young man into their evil ways. (1:11-19)

3. Lady Wisdom is calling out to all who will hear. (1:20)

4. She promises that all who will turn and listen will receive wisdom from her. (1:23)

5. She will laugh at those who mock her and refuse to listen to her words. (1:24-26)

6. Those who reject her will experience fear, destruction, desolation, and calamity. (1:27)

7. Now, the saga continues. Lady wisdom suggests that there comes a point when it is too late! (1:28-31)

28Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me:

1. They shall call upon me… they shall seek me early…

a. Even in the life of a fool, there comes a point when they discover that they really need wisdom!
• In vs. 20-27, we have Wisdom calling out to the fools…
• Now we have the fools calling out to wisdom…

b. A fool may wander aimlessly through life… he may think himself happy go lucky… he may not have a care in the world… doing whatever he pleases. But even the fool will eventually come to a crossroad in his journey…

c. At that point, he will NEED wisdom… even the fool despairs of danger… even the fool becomes afraid at what might happen to him at some point!

d. Even the fool who thinks he can play with fire eventually finds himself surrounded by a wall of fire—and afraid!
• It likely will come during the time of calamity or destruction (vs.26-27)

e. Like a rock that skims the water, so too a fool can only skim along the surface of life for so long before he starts to sink.

f. The fool will eventually find himself sinking… going under… and desperately WANT wisdom. (Like the boy who joked at the kids taking swimming lessons. When he finds himself sinking in the water—the joke will be on him!)

g. The boy sinking in the water—who mocked the other kids who took swimming lessons—may in that last desperate hour cry out for wisdom… cry out that he wished he had taken those lessons…

h. How many times over is this kind of scenario repeated?
• The foolish boy who jokes about his schoolmates doing their homework—only to wish he had done his when he finds himself flipping hamburgers at McDonalds!
• The foolish young girl who laughs at all her prudish friends… and then finds herself pregnant at 16… on a dead end street for many years to come… she might cry out for the benefits of wisdom at that point… but it’s too late!
• The foolish believer who scoffs at all his Christian friends who warns him not to marry that unsaved girl—only to discover after the wedding what all the warnings were about—but it’s too late!

2. But I will not answer… But they shall not find me…

a. When Lady Wisdom called to the fools, they did not answer her. (vs.24)

b. Now, the fools are calling out to Wisdom, but she will not answer them!
• The fool will come to a point in his life where he finally realizes how much he needs wisdom—but when he calls out—he discovers it is too late!
• The fool shall not find wisdom—he doesn’t even know where to look!
• The fool will probably seek wisdom from his associates—who will also be fools… the blind leading the blind…

c. This pictures opportunity past… the offer of wisdom is no longer extended… the chance to take advantage of the benefit of wisdom is over…
• Ezek. 8:18 – God’s offer of mercy came to an end for Israel. God came to a point where He said, “Mine eye shall not spare.”
• God would not hear their cries any more.
• Jer. 7:16 – God told Jeremiah to stop praying for the people. They had become hardened in their sin and God would no longer listen to prayers for them!

d. The point is NOT that it is impossible for older folks to BECOME wise.
• Older folks CAN get saved later on in life. It is never too late!
• Older folks CAN repent of their folly and choose a path of wisdom.
• But that is the exception to the rule. Proverbs does not deal with all the exceptions to the rule. Proverbs deals with the main thrust of the rule itself! (explain what a proverb is!)

e. The point being made is that, in general, when a fool spurns the wisdom offered and flies down the road of his own making, he is irreversibly headed for destruction!
• In other words, there is not much hope for a fool!
• A fool doesn’t listen to reproof or instruction. (vs.24)
• Therefore, his course is paved for him… and his runners are greased and headed for destruction!
• Prov. 29:1 – In general, when fools reject light and truth, they become MORE hardened to it!
• That is why most people who get saved, do so when young—before the heart has time to harden too much to respond to the truth!
• If God is speaking to your heart today about getting saved—DON’T put it off. You may be too hard tomorrow!
• If God is speaking to our heart as a believer about repenting of our sin or a bitter spirit or an ungodly attitude—REPENT NOW—because it only becomes MORE difficult with time… our heart can become MORE deeply embittered and hardened by sin!
• Don’t be a fool—get right with God now!

f. When the heart becomes hardened… (neck—becomes more obstinate) the fool is even LESS likely to hear reproof or the words of wisdom!
• In that condition, since he WILL NOT hear wisdom… he CANNOT hear!
• Light rejected is light denied!
• Wisdom is withdrawn in that sense… it is out of his reach!
• It is NOT that God is holding back wisdom from him… but HE has closed his eyes to the truth and therefore CANNOT see the truth.
• Truth—wisdom has been made out of his grasp—but it is the fool’s own doing—not God’s!

g. Thus, the fool SHALL NOT FIND wisdom… wisdom will not answer his call!
• Try to imagine a novice skier on the top of a triple black diamond trail.
• In his folly he says, “I can handle this!” Out of concern for him, his friends give him some words of wisdom: “Don’t take that trail! It’s dangerous!”
• Out of pride, the fool decides to reject the words of wisdom and he pushes off—only to discover that he wishes he didn’t!
• He might call out for wisdom—but it’s too late! He may really WANT to follow wisdom’s advice now—but it’s too late!
• He is headed for disaster—because he would not listen. Now, wisdom is out of his grasp…
• In the meantime—he may have to pay a price for his action!
• Young people may hear advice and reproof and warnings about sex, and alcohol, and drugs, and the use of credit cards — but if they don’t listen to the words of wisdom—and they pursue that dangerous course, they may discover that they have traveled too far down that road to return safely!

h. Wisdom is not something to be sought after as an afterthought… or when we are skidding out of control and headed for disaster. Wisdom is something to be sought after with all diligence! (2:2,4)

29For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the LORD: 30 They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof.

REASONS for Wisdom withdrawal of the offer

1. These two verses say essentially the same thing. It is the REASON why wisdom will not answer the fool.

2. The reason is that he doesn’t WANT it!

a. They HATED the knowledge offered them!

b. They CHOSE not to fear God!

c. They WANTED none of wisdom’s counsel!

d. They DESPISED all of wisdom’s reproofs!
• Which part of NO don’t you understand!?!
• The fool has made it perfectly clear that he does not want what wisdom has to offer.
• Eventually, the one offering gets the message and withdraws the offer!

e. The point is that as long as their heart attitude is unchanged, wisdom is no longer being offered to them!
• If they repent and seek wisdom with a whole heart, wisdom CAN be found!
• Why? Because as soon as they repent and seek wisdom with a whole heart—they are no longer a fool!

3. The fool hated wisdom… rejected wisdom… despised wisdom… refused her out stretched hand…—and now, it is out of his reach.

a. God is longsuffering, but His longsuffering comes to an end.

b. The Lord is pictured knocking at the door in Laodicea—but there is a last knock!

c. My Spirit shall not always strive with man…

4. NOW is the accepted time… (II Cor. 6:2)

a. This is a principle that applies to all of the invitations of God.

b. Wisdom begins with fearing the Lord. (Prov. 1:7 – and we ought to fear God’s hell and believe and be saved !)

c. Wisdom is also found in Christ… in Him is ALL wisdom. If you want wisdom, you must know God—a personal relationship to Christ is the only road to true wisdom! (Col. 2:3)

d. God’s wisdom is calling men first to salvation. Only the FOOL says NO to God’s call to salvation!

e. But even to the believer, Gods’ Wisdom calls us to forsake our folly too… to respond to His Word… the words of wisdom…

f. NOW is the accepted time for a believer to respond to God’s wisdom too.
• Why wait and risk an embittered, hardened heart?
• Why wait and risk quenching/extinguishing the ministry of the Spirit in our life?
• Why risk entering into Divine chastisement?
• If God’s Word/wisdom speaks to our heart—we ought to respond!
• Be DOERS of the word and not hearers only!

g. Isa. 1:18-20 – Isaiah told the people that NOW was the time to listen to and respond to the voice of God.
• Respond in faith and obedience would bring blessing…
• Respond in unbelief or disobedience, and it would bring a curse.

6Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: 7Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD[NOW!!!!] and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.

Proverbs 1:30-32

Filled With Their Own Devices


1. This chapter speaks of a young man being called in two different directions.

a. The fools are calling him to a life of crime. (vs.14)

b. Lady wisdom is calling him away from the fools and to the way of wisdom. (vs.20)

c. You are all being called by voices out there in the world… called to worldliness… called to a life of sin… called to join the in crowd…

d. But you are also being called… wooed by the truth of God’s Word.

2. Lady wisdom cries out for all to hear.

a. She offers wisdom to whosoever will. (vs.23) (everyone here is being called by her – right now!)

b. But few are listening… few are taking her up on her offer. (vs.24)
• Unfortunately, few in the world listen.
• Hopefully MORE than a few here will listen.
• But I know human nature. Some of you sitting here today will NOT listen… but will go off on your own one day to flirt with a life of sin.

c. She warns that if they reject her too long, the offer may be withdrawn! (vs.14-16)
• This is a terrible tragedy! Opportunity lost…
• God gives you opportunity to respond to His Word… to His wisdom… but He won’t call forever — if you choose to ignore His call repeatedly… year after year!

3. Now, Lady wisdom states the penalty for rejecting her offer of wisdom. (vs.30-33)

They Would None of My Counsel

1. It is frustrating to offer counsel to men… and to children… only to see them reject the counsel and do their own thing anyway—especially when you see the sad results… knowing that COULD easily have been avoided.

2. They WOULD = to be willing; to desire; to want.

a. They did not want God’s wisdom!

b. They did not want to hear it any more. They had had enough!

c. They refused to listen to the sweet counsel of Lady wisdom.

d. Perhaps some of you have felt like that when your parents were trying to get something through to you… (I’ve been there!)

e. If you have an unwilling spirit – then NO amount of truth or helpful counsel will ever get through to you…

f. That stubborn, resistant, defensive, refusal to listen will be your doom! Few things in life are more dangerous than that.

g. If that is your heart attitude (unwilling to hear; unwilling to be taught), then even the Lord will not be able to teach you…

h. Your parents… your teachers… and your friends all want to help you, but you are unwilling… You are even LIMITING what God is able to do in your life…

i. God can’t work in an unwilling heart.

3. They DESPISED all my reproof.

a. Despise: to spurn, contemn, despise, abhor

b. Not only did they not want to be reproved—they HATED it!

c. Reproof is counsel with a bit more punch… pointed counsel. It is not only encouraging a man down the right path. It includes warning that man AGAINST the path he’s now on! It is a rebuke.

d. This was despised!

e. Nobody likes to be rebuked. But a wise man will receive it… and learn from it. (Proverbs 9:8-9)
• In the end, he will appreciate it… and even love you for it—though in the immediate, it might irk him a bit!
• He will increase in learning and be yet wiser.
• Can you accept reproof? Can you swallow your pride and take it in?

f. A reproof enters into a wise man more than 100 stripes into a fool. (Prov. 17:20)

g. But the people Lady Wisdom describes were NOT wise. They were fools. They HATED her rebukes. She could beat them over the head 100 times, and her wisdom would still not sink in… they would still refuse to hear. They were fools.

h. Don’t YOU be like that. Listen… take counsel…

Therefore… (results of rejecting wisdom)

A. The Fruit of Their Own Way

1. Fruit usually has a good connotation in the Bible… but not always, and not here. Here it refers to rotten fruit… bad fruit… evil fruit.

a. Here the fruit of their own way refers to the evil results of NOT following the counsel or reproofs from Lady Wisdom…

b. Fruit = the natural by product of…

c. When a fool follows his own way instead of the way of wisdom, the natural outcome is disaster!

d. This is not divine intervention or judgment. This is the NATURAL result of foolish behavior!

e. People who foolishly ignore the sign that says “Beware of thin ice” should expect to fall through.

f. When it happens, it is not God’s fault. It is the fault of the fool!

g. The water is cold and deep. And sometimes it is hard getting out!

2. Jeremiah said, “Thy words were found and I did eat them and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of my heart!” (Jer. 15:16)

a. God’s Word… God’s wisdom is offered… and men are to “eat” it.

b. Eat it = take it in… appropriate it… make it yours.

4. The fools in Prov. 1 had God’s wisdom offered to them, but they refused to “eat” it. They rejected it.

a. They would not follow the way of wisdom.

b. They hated it… they wanted to do their own thing… follow their own way.

5. Now, they will be forced to eat their own fruit… the results of following their own way.

a. But there are some purely natural consequences of rejecting wisdom. There are consequences of following our own ways!

b. There are some ways that seem right to a man—but it results in death!

c. Some young fools have been warned about drinking and driving—but they rejected it. They chose to do their own thing… their own way… and it often results in death!

d. Other young fools have been warned about taking drugs… but they rejected wisdom and chose to go their own way. For many, that way spirals downward in disease, destruction, and death!

e. Some other fools have been warned about being married to their job… but they reject the warnings, and end up losing their family over it!

f. Some fools reject counsel and refuse to forgive a brother that has wronged them. Bitterness festers in their hearts… they become hardened… and eventually, they become a castaway spiritually.

g. Some fools reject the wisdom of their parents and pay no attention in school. They become lifelong, professional hamburger flippers.

h. Some fools are warned about smoking. They reject the wise counsel and end up with lung cancer.

i. Some foolish parents are warned NOT to allow their daughters to wear skimpy clothing, but they refuse, because it is “stylish.” They regret it later when their daughter comes home pregnant at 15!

j. Some fools are warned not to marry an unbeliever or a carnal believer. They reject the counsel, and pay a price for it the rest of their lives.

k. The examples are endless… countless applications… examples of rotten fruit abound!

B. Filled With Their Own Devices

1. Device: counsel; plan; device.

a. The fool rejects God’s counsel… and follows his own counsel/device/plan.

b. The fool thinks his devices or plans are better than God’s.

c. The fool will be FILLED with his own devices… he will reap the fruit of his own plan since he rejected God’s plan for his life.

2. Fruit grows because it was planted.

a. This passage teaches the same principle as found in Gal. 6:7-8.

b. Whatever we sow, eventually, we will reap. If I fill my garden with tomato plants, I will be filled with tomatoes!

c. If we sow rotten fruit—rejecting wisdom—eventually, we will reap rotten fruit.

d. Folly reaps a harvest just like wisdom does. However, the harvest of folly is not good for you… it is not wholesome food! And the fool will become FULL on that unwholesome food.

e. We cannot avoid the consequences of our actions!

f. Every man is free to make his own choices. But he is NOT free to choose the consequences of those choices!

g. God has established certain moral principles in the world. The consequences to defying them are just as sure as attempting to defy gravity!

h. example: adultery—Prov. 6:28 – you cannot walk on hot coals and not be burned! So too one who goes in unto his neighbor’s wife. He is going to get burned!
• He had the choice to go unto his neighbor’s wife or NOT go in unto her.
• But once he chose to go in unto her—he does not get to choose the consequences! He is going to get burned!
• God gives us as believers freedom to choose. We can choose to walk with God OR we can choose to backslide. However, if we chose to backslide, we shall be filled with our own ways! (Prov. 14:14) Sin hurts! The way of the transgressor is HARD!

3. The classic Bible illustration of this truth is found in Rom. 1:21-32

a. vs.21 – They had truth, wisdom, revelation—but rejected it.

b. vs.22 – they thought themselves to be wise. Who needs God’s wisdom?

c. vs.23 – They rejected truth… rejected God… and the inevitable process of corruption began.

d. vs.25 – They hated truth—and twisted it… they refused to honor God.

e. vs.26-28 – They rejected God and His wisdom. God rejected them. (I shall laugh at their calamity!)

f. vs.29 – They became FILLED with their own devices… and the inevitable consequences of their devices!

C. The turning away of the simple shall slay them… (vs.32)

a. Solomon makes the same point in different terminology.

b. The fool was invited to “turn” (respond) to the offer of wisdom. (vs.23) IF he did, great benefits were promised.

c. Yet because he turned away from that offer… that turning away shall be his undoing. It shall be his destruction… it will slay him!

d. Turning away = backsliding. Instead of turning toward wisdom, he headed in the opposite direction. He will pay for it!

D. The prosperity of the fools shall destroy them. (vs.32b)

a. Prosperity = quietness, ease, prosperity. This speaks of the easy going lifestyle of the fool.
• It comes from a word that means “to be at rest.”
• It can refer to a carefree kind of lifestyle… “not a care in the world…” “life’s a beach”…
• This kind of attitude is the destruction of them!
• They get 100 dollars and instead of paying down their debt or saving it—they rush out to spend it—thinking they are rich… thinking that they haven’t got a care in the world! Let’s eat, drink, and be merry!

b. That attitude destroys people’s lives… foolish people!

WHY do you think Solomon gave these words of warning to his son?
• To make life miserable for him? (Kids think that sometimes!)
• Because dads always have lots of negative things to say?
• Because he was old — and doesn’t understand young people?
• NO!!! (Prov. 1:8-9) — because if heeded, they will be like an ornament of grace on your head (like a crown – and a gold necklace)!
• Solomon loved his son and wanted the BEST for him.
• Solomon knew of dangers and their consequences and didn’t want his son to have to suffer and learn these lessons the hard way!
• Solomon loved his son – and knew that a few wrong choices in life could result in YEARS of regret… and some consequences might be irreversible!
• When your parents give you such warnings – it comes from the very same motivation – they love you more than you will ever know — till you have your own kids… and they want the very best for you!

Proverbs 1:33

Whoso Hearkeneth Unto Me

Whoso hearkeneth unto Me

1. Once again, this is lady wisdom speaking. (vs.20)

2. Hearkeneth: to hear, listen to, obey.

a. She wants everyone to listen to her words and obey! Pay attention!

b. She is crying in the streets to be heard…

c. She has stretched out her arm to offer help, instruction, guidance…

d. She wants everyone to listen and to hearken to her words!

e. She has something extremely valuable to offer to all…

3. However, she is discouraged because so few are even willing to listen!

a. vs. 24 – They refused… they didn’t want her counsel…

b. vs. 25 – they set at naught all her counsel…

c. vs. 29 – they hated her knowledge and did not choose to fear God

d. vs. 30 they rejected and despised her reproof.

e. What could be more foolish?

4. Lady wisdom also warns them of the consequences of rejecting her words:

a. vs. 26 – calamity and fear will strike them one day…

b. vs. 27 – desolation will come as a tornado… distress… anguish…

c. vs. 28 – they will seek her but not be able to find her one day…

d. vs. 31- they will be filled with their own devices—reap what they have sown.

5. There are also good consequences of hearkening unto her…

a. Already, several good results of following the way of wisdom were mentioned…

b. It gives subtlety to the simple, and knowledge and discretion to the young man! (vs.4)

c. A man who follows the way of wisdom will increase in knowledge. (vs.5)

d. Wisdom will keep a young man away from the wrong crowd. (vs.10)

e. 1:33 – two more GOOD results of following the words of Lady Wisdom.

Shall Dwell Safely

1. Dwell = to settle down, abide, dwell, tabernacle, reside.

2. Safely = securely, assurance, boldly , confidence, hope, secure

3. There is safety and security in following the way of wisdom.

a. He will be safe because he will avoid the calamity mentioned in vs.26-27!
• There are many calamities we bring on ourselves!
• God doesn’t want His people living in calamity, distress, and anguish!
• He wants us to dwell in safety… securely… at rest!
• Those who reject wisdom will be eating the fruit of their ways all their days… their life will be a whirlwind of troubles—troubles that COULD have been avoided!
• But the one who follows the way of wisdom can dwell safe and secure! No whirlwind in his household! (at least not of his own making!)

b. If you build your house on a solid foundation (as wisdom requires!) you will dwell safely in that house. If you build your house on sand (folly), you will NOT dwell safely. You will experience tragedy…
• This is a principle the Lord applies to salvation…
• But it holds to countless other situations too!

c. Security is big business today. (alarms; locks; security guards; cameras; passwords, etc…)
• People want security for their homes, cars, money, lives, property, retirement…
• Wisdom offers a life of security… freedom from many disasters.
• Much of this security is ours simply by doing what God says… following His words of wisdom… His counsel… His advice…
• For some strange reason, we seem to prefer to lean on our own understanding… and pay the consequences of it!

Shall Be Quiet From Fear of Evil

1. This is a promise of peace of mind… no need to live in anxiety and fear…

a. Quiet: to be at ease, be at peace, rest, rest securely, be quiet…
• The first result of following wisdom was security.
• Now comes the SENSE of ease from knowing you’re are safe and secure!

b. God wants His people to live in peace… rest… not in fear and anxiety…

c. The one who follows the way of wisdom IS secure. And also he can EXPERIENCE the quietude of that security!

d. This rest and quiet and peace is not just wishful thinking. It is because the follower of wisdom really DOES dwell safely! Therefore, he can enjoy peace of mind!
• Some fools enjoy peace of mind for a while… but it is built on false hopes… which eventually are dashed.
• But the wise man enjoys a peace of mind that built on a rock… he IS secure!

2. The fool brings fear upon himself—fear of being caught… being discovered… fear of the IRS discovering he was cheating… fears of people finding out about his lies…

a. This is the kind of fear evil criminals live with their whole lives. (Is anybody looking? Was that a police car over there? Is he an undercover agent?)

b. The evil fool lives a life full of fear and anxiety… always looking over his shoulder. (Whitey Bulger)

3. The foolish Christian—who refuses the words of counsel—lives in the fear of chastisement! (Prov. 3:11) And rightly so!

a. The wise Christian who listens to sound counsel need NOT fear the heavy hand of God!

4. The fool who refuses wisdom and lives in immorality fears that his body might be consumed! (Prov. 5:11) And when he discovers he has aids, he laments, but it is too late!

a. The wise man need not fear STD’s!

b. Wisdom keeps him away from sinful, risky behavior… and thus he need not fear what fools fear!

c. The wise man is satisfied with his own wife! (5:15,18)

5. The fool who refuses to abstain from sinful behavior fears becoming entangled… addicted… unable to free himself! (Prov. 5:22-23)

a. The wise man need not fear becoming entangled in sin… addicted to coke or alcohol…

b. He is free from the fear of this kind of evil!

6. The fool worries about his tomorrow because he is not diligent today! (Proverbs 6:10-11) He worries about poverty… going hungry… because he is lazy at his job… and is likely to be the first to be fired…

a. The wise man is diligent in his work. He is prepared for tomorrow.

b. Proverbs 10:4 – the hand of the diligent maketh rich…

c. A hard working man need not live with the same kind of fears that a foolish, lazy man lives with!

d. Lady wisdom says: Be diligent! Fools say: relax, life’s a beach!

7. The fool who goes in unto his neighbor’s wife lives in constant anxiety of being “burned!” (Prov. 6:25-28)

a. The wise man who listens to lady Wisdom need not live in fear of being “caught”… discovered… or ruining your family!

b. The fool brings this on himself… and many others suffer as a result of his folly!

8. The fool lives with the fear of having his slander revealed… or his hatred discovered… (Prov. 10:18)

a. But the follower of wisdom need not live with that fear!

b. He can have a clear conscience…

c. vs.19 – the fool who talks continually is bound to say something to get himself in trouble… and is condemned to live with the fear of trouble hanging over his head.

d. 13:3

e. The wise man restrains his lips… and has no fear.

9. The fool who refuses to listen to counsel experiences all his hopes and dreams and plans come to nothing… fall apart… and he has to live with that fear daily. (Prov. 11:14)

a. But the wise man who seeks counsel is safe!

b. One lives in fear of his world crumbling… one lives in safety and security! Which would you want?

10. Prov. 13:15 – the way of the transgressor is hard!

a. It is a life of worry… fear… distress…

b. That is because transgression has consequences.

c. But the one who follows God’s word of wisdom and avoids the sin will avoid the awful consequences of sin!

11. Prov. 13:10 – pride results in contention. Wisdom says “Humble yourself!”

a. Follow the ways of wisdom and we need not live in constant contention!

12. Prov. 13:20 – the fool walks with foolish men and is destroyed. He lives in fear of destruction because of their destructive ways!

a. The godly man who walks with godly men need not fear trouble befalling him!

b. Join a gang, and you are entering a lifestyle of constant fear…

c. The godly man has no such fear. He will become even wiser!

13. Prov. 13:24 – wisdom says “discipline your children.”

a. A fool thinks he can pamper them and sweet talk them into good behavior. He will live in misery as a result.

b. A wise man obeys God in this area… and has peace of mind from well rounded children by his side!

14. A wise woman shall be quiet from the evil of a house falling apart. A foolish woman lives in that constant fear. (Prov. 14:1)

a. cf. vs. 11 – overthrown or flourish? Which will it be?

b. It all depends upon whether we follow wisdom or folly.

15. Prov. 3:21-25 – safety, peace, security, a good night’s sleep! All this belongs to those who follow wisdom!

a. Ps. 91:5 – be not afraid of terror…

b. Isa. 32:17 – peace is the effect of righteousness!

Pastor Jim Delany

(603) 898-4258


11 ermer road 

salem, nh 03079